Chapter Thirteen

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Thursday was just a blur. School was boring, and so was work. During the day on Friday, it wasn't a good day either. You almost burnt your hand on a burner in science class, and you got lunch dentention since you 'tripped' Annie down the stairs. The klutz just fell down the stairs by herself, but she blamed it on you. You had to sit in a room with Mr. Woerman in front of you. You slowly ate your lunch while he stared at you like a hawk the whole entire time. Annie also tried to shove your face in a toilet, which wasn't too pleasent. You were in the bathroom, washing your hands after lunch, and Annie dragged you into a stall, and pushed you down. She tried to push your face down into the toilet bowl with her foot. You were too strong for her, and she finally gave up.

"You win, (l/n)." She said in a dissapointed tone. You stomped out of the bathroom, angry about your whole day. 'Why me?' You thought. 'Why is this day happening?' But I guess you have to have the bad days to get the good days. You saw Jean whispering in Marco's ear about something.

"Whatcha talkin' about?" You ask.

"N-Nothing..." Jean said, shooing Marco away. You just shrugged it off, going to your next class. What you didn't know was Jean was planning a party for his last night together with you.

"Bitch, I don't know what I would do without her, I mean she helped me get together with Marco." Jean said to Krista in the class he was in.

"I'll help you plan it, it can be at our house. I can stall her, taking her out to a few places while you guys will be setting up for the party." Krista said. "Party starts at 6:00."

"That can get us enough time." Jean said.

"I'll see you there!" Krista said, cheerfully. You were about to open the door to your apartment, and Krista ran in front of you, blocking the door.

" about we go someplace? I'm bored..." Krista said.

"Fine. But this better be good." Krista told you to wait in the car, while she went to get her purse. What she was actually doing was getting all of your friends to the apartment.

"Jean, Marco, Sasha, Isabel, Farlan, so many more..." Krista said, reading the list of people she had. Everyone was setting up for the party, and Krista snuck back downstairs, with her purse.

"What took you so long?" You ask.

"I forgot my...debit card! Yeah my debit card." Krista laughed.

'Something werid is going on, I just know it.' You thought to yourself. Krista drove off somewhere, probably the mall or something.

"Here's a really good restaurant we could try!" Krista said, worridly. The Spagetti Factory. You've heard of it before, but you never been inside of it. You two sat down at a table and ordered your drinks.

"Isn't this nice?" Krista asked.

"Are you sure you are okay?" You ask.

"Heh, yeah everything is okay, why?" Krista asked.

"You're just acting weird, that's all." You say.

"I don't think i'm acting weird. There's our waiter with the drinks!" Krista said, quickly changing the topic.

'She's planning something, I just know it...' You ordered your food...spagetti...and you sat there, staring at Krista until the spagetti came.

"I love spagetti! Don't you?" Krista asked.

"Yeah..." You said, awkwardly. You twirled the spagetti around your fork, and ate it.

"What do you want to do next?" Krista asked.

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