Chapter Nine

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A/N: This is just a short stupid chapter I wrote, enjoy (^∇^)

You woke up, on a nice Monday with all the snow melted. You had school today, and you weren't really in the mood for it.

"Levi!!" You shout. He trudged to your bedroom.

"What?" He asked.

"We have school today..." You say.

"Tch, I know." Levi said, rolling his grey eyes.

"Go away so I can get ready!" You say, shooing him away. You slipped on a (f/c) sweater and some skinny jeans. You quickly brushed your hair and teeth, and ran into the livingroom. Levi had no shirt on, and he turned around. He had a 6-pack, and his muscles were toned. You stared at his upper body for a minute or two.

"L-Levi..." You studder. He put a shirt on and replied back.

"Yeah...?" He said.

"Never mind, let's just get to school." You say. School was your worst nightmare, mostly because of the horrible teachers and Annie. Levi and you got into the car.

"Were you staring at my body earlier?" He asked. Your entire face turned red.

"N-No..." You lie, crossing your arms and turning the other way so he couldn't see you blush.

"Yes you were, admit it (f/n), you like it, don't you?" Levi asked.

"Okay, okay, you have a pretty nice body, let's just get to school!" You admit. He started to drive there, taunting you about how you admire his body.

"You want it later? I can give you it." Levi joked.

"Argh, stop with the jokes." You demand.

"Alright, I will." Levi laughed. Once you got there, Marco ran up to you.

"Oh my god (f/n), guess what!" Marco said.


"Jean asked me on a date...and I said yes!" Marco squealed. You smirked, and giggled a bit.

"I think he might like you Marco." You say.

"Hey, don't tell anyone this, but I think Jean is cute." Marco whispered. You started to pump your fists up and down.

"YES! YES! YES!" You chant. Marco looked at you confused.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" Marco asked.

"Hehe, nothing." You say.

"You're keeping a secret from me, aren't you?" Marco asked.

"N-No, why would I do that? You are my best friend." You say. You decided to not tell Jean or Marco that they like eachother, not to spoil this dinner date. You told Sasha about it, and she flipped out.

"Holy crap (f/n)!!!" She screamed.

"I know, but don't tell them, Jean asked him to a dinner date, and I don't want to spoil it." You explain.

"Okay, let's spy on them." Sasha said.

"Jean already asked me to do that, i'm gonna have to dress up." You say.

"Oh, oh! The acting department might have some props for you!" Sasha said. You walked up to the auditorium, were people were acting. Krista, or The Goddess, walked up to you.

"Hey (f/n), what do you need?" She asked, smiling.

"Krista, do you have like any costumes I can borrow?" You ask.

"Yeah, i'll take you down to the costume vault." Krista said.

"Goddess.." You mutter. She took you down there, and you found a red dress, along with a wig, that was blonde, and it was super long.

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