Chapter Twenty-Three

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You smashed the payphone down and ran through crowds of people. You saw a taxi outside, waiting for a passenger. You jumped into the taxi.

"The hospital, quick." You say. The taxi driver nodded and started his car up, driving towards the hospital. You dropped your suitcase noticing all the sweat on your hand.

"...Eren...I'm coming home..." You muttered. You passed by all the buildings Eren took you too.

Heising...the French restaurant...

Fersherturm Berlin...the TV tower...

And the movie theater, the one you were supposed to go to.

"Damn, he really didn't take me to a lot of places..."

Then the taxi driver parked in front of the hospital.

"That will be 15-"

You threw coins at him and ran to the entrance.

"Eren Jaeger, what's his room number?" You ask.

"Room 673, floor 6." The nurse replied. You ran to the elevator and kept pressing the number 6 until you got there. You ran to the door that said "Room 673" and stared at it. You knocked on the door. It automatically opened. Armin was just standing there, as Eren was sitting up in his bed. You ran into his arms and hugged him. He cried into your shoulder and so did you. "I love you, Eren." You cried. You felt him smile into your shoulder.



Okay, I'm sorry for never updating, I got my ipod taken away for about 8 months until I got an actual phone.

I don't really like attack on titan that much anymore, sorry if you're upset but I won't be updating that much.

After since my parents banned anime (kinda retarded right) I started watching American tv more often and I actually joined alot more fandoms.

You probably don't care about the fandoms ive joined but im gonna list them anyways.

South Park (call me a faggot idc)
ALOT of bands...SUCH as panic! at the disco and twenty one pilots...

There's alot more from where that came from. Since Im not gonna be updating usually, I feel like i should pay you guys back in return.

My other account is @joshdunhun you can read my shit on there. Thats my payback.

see you later losers

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