Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: I think it will really help if you look up the song Wildest Dreams, by Taylor Swift. The story goes with the song, and I can't put it on here because it belongs to Sony. It would help if you would look it up, thx.

You woke up to see Eren sleeping there looking lifeless. You smiled and got up to take a shower. Of course, you had to sing Wildest Dreams in the shower.

"Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset babe." You sang. "red lips and rosy cheeks, say you'll see me again even if it's just in your wildest dreams..."

You kept singing the chorus over and over again. Eren finally woke up and walked past the bathroom door, and heard you singing.

"HE'S SO TALL AND HANSOME AS HELL, HE'S SO BAD BUT HE DOES IT SO WELL!!" You sang loudly. Eren quickly got dressed and brushed his hair.

"Gonna go shopping." He said to Armin.

"Ok." Armin responded back. You walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around you. You dug through your backpack to find panties and a bra, but they were all dirty, except the lacy lingerie.

"I was saving that, but okay..." You said, putting it on.

Eren was at the mall without you, buying a nice dress for you. The dress was white, and it had red hearts all over it. It was cheesy, but who cares, it was valentines day. Eren quickly bought the items and ran out of the crowded mall.

Once he got back to the apartment, he quickly ran to his room, and you were getting dressed. You slid your tshirt over yourself. You turned around, and saw Eren peeking through the door, holding a shopping bag.

"What's in there?" You ask.

"'s a surprise." Eren said, backing away. You just shrugged it off and continued to get dressed.


Petra banged onto the door, wanting to talk to Levi. Levi opened the door and Petra hugged him and knocked him to the ground.

"Argh! Get off of me!" Levi complained. Petra looked up at him and smiled.

"Levi! You're sooooooo cute when your mad!" Petra shouted. Levi rolled his eyes and pushed her off of him.

" come down and sit with me..." Levi said. Petra skipped to the couch, and Levi sat next to her.

"Listen...the only reason why-"

"O-M-G!! We need to go out to dinner tonight! It's valentines day today!" Petra interupted.

"I guess you're right..." Levi said.

"Okay, i'll see you in a bit! Bye Levi!" Petra said, blowing him a kiss. Levi layed on the couch.

"Talk about overly obsessed girlfriend." Krista said. Levi looked ip at her.

"S-Shut up! She's just excited..." Levi said.

"Ha, she seems like she's crazy for you." Krista said, sitting down next to him.

"She is..." Levi sighed.

"Where are you going to go for valentines day?" Krista asked.

"That restaurant Jean and Marco went to, forgot what it was called.." Levi replied.

"What has gotten into you..." Krista muttered.


You were finished getting dressed and you snatched the bag out of Eren's hand.

"Lemme see what's in there!" You demanded. Eren took it back.

"No! Wait until 5:00!" Eren said. You sighed and plopped yourself on the couch.

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