Chapter 12

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Katya POV-

I open the door and find Trixie behind it. Her brown eyes are soft looking tonight and she pulls me into an immediate hug. I laugh and pull her into the apartment, closing the door behind us. "Hello." I say, letting her push me up against the wall.

"Hello." She laughs, pressing her lips hard to mine.

I let myself sink into it, forgetting all the stress happening in life right now. She's so warm and she tastes like apples and sugar. I allow my hands to explore, let everything go then. It feels strange, I don't think I've ever really been like this. Not even around myself. "You're so sweet tonight." She murmurs. "You know it?"

I feel myself smiling against her lips, pulling away and leaning my head on her chest. Her hands sit gently on my scalp and she tilts my head to kiss me softly on the forehead. "I miss alone time with you." I say. "Like everyone is always around."

"Well then it's going to be a good night." She replies. "What do you want to do?"

"I don't know talk." I laugh. "Just talk and hear your voice. Anything you want we can do."

She nods and holds me close again, swaying a little without noticing. "I'm so so happy that things are working out." Trixie murmurs.

"Me too, love."

I think that's the end 😶 I was going to add more but I feel like it just needed to be done. It's not a very exciting fic and tbh it might get deleted eventually but thank you if you read it! I'm going to write some other stuff (def more Trixya and probably just some of my stuff) but it might be a week or two before anything new is posted.

Also happy holidays (I know it's a little bit late but still lol), have a good new year if I don't see you before then, and love you all! 💜

Wishes- Trixya (Sequel to Prom) Where stories live. Discover now