Chapter 2

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Katya POV

Last December (Freshman year)

My head is spinning. I know where I am. I think. I'm in the parking lot. The parking lot of where? That's the part I don't know. The sky is coming down, literally coming down, in pieces, all turning black as they hit the floor. Part of me knows that it isn't real but there's a bigger part of me that thinks the world is ending. I have to find someone. Anyone who will help me. I want Trixie, or maybe my mom. But I know that they hate me. They hate everything about me. Plus, they won't believe me anymore. Nobody does. I wish I could sleep, or just sit down but my body won't let me. My heart is beating too fast, my limbs feel dizzy, almost like if I stop moving they'll just spiral off into nothing. As the minutes pass the world is harder and harder to see. It hurts, but I don't really mind.

November (Sophomore year)

The pavement is weird under my feet. Not because it's new, I walk this path every day, but because this is the last time I will walk it for hopefully forever. Unlike my first time in rehab nobody has to walk me out this time. They just told me when I'd be done if I didn't slip up and I never did. I've been waiting for the date to arrive and now that it finally has it feels strange. I spot Trixie's car across the lot, she's standing outside of it, leaning on the door. She looks over, smiles. I don't stop myself from bounding over to her.

We don't say anything while we embrace. She smells exactly like she did last time I saw her, which was about a month ago. There were some times when she visited or I would leave the center for a day with her. Once you've proved you're trying for the first few months they give you a little bit of freedom. "How are you?" She asks, planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Good." I reply. "How are you?"

"Also very good."

She points to the passenger seat and I get into the car next to her. "Thanks for picking me up at such a weird time, I know it's all like weird and stuff, and I know I've said it a million times but-"

Trixie cuts me off mid sentence. "Girl if you apologize again I'm going to go crazy. We can talk about anything you want to, but you don't have a reason to be sorry for anything that we haven't already discussed and worked through. Right?"

I nod, she is right. "Yes, I just feel like I still owe you something."

"Remember those shoes you bought me in high school?" She laughs.

"Yeah? Why?" I question, and I can't help but chuckle.

"You already paid me back then."

I poke her in the side and she laughs as she turns the car on. "You're so weird."

She begins to back out and we spend the rest of the car ride catching up on her life. She keeps asking about mine, but it's been about the same for the last month or so. Loose schedule, daily check in, waiting to be cleared to go back into the normal world, and lots and lots of catching up on last minute school work.

"Turn here." I instruct, and she makes a tight turn into the block of apartments.

We both get out of the car which I'm glad about. I've met my roommates before but something about living with them from now on is a little scary and it's making me shy. She takes my hand on the way in. "Ready?"

I nod. "Definitely."

The elevator is freezing, I don't mind, I get unreasonably hot when I'm nervous. When we find the room number I knock lightly.

The door opens with a creak, a tall, thin, purple haired girl is behind it. She's smiling at me. "So we meet again." She says. "Come in, who's this you brought with you?"

"My girlfriend Trixie." I reply. "Trixie this is Violet, one of my roommates."

"Nice to meet you." Violet says and Trixie smiles. "There's one more girl staying here too right now, her name is Fame, well her name is Kaitlyn but she goes by her last name."

Trixie squeezes my hand. "Where's you're room?" She asks.

"We set it all up two weeks ago, it's this way." I reply, walking down the tiny hallway. The room isn't big, hardly big enough to fit a bed and a little desk in the corner. I'd hung up some lights and thrown my clothes in some little drawers under the bed.

"It's nice." Trixie comments. "And close to campus."

Violet straightens out the blanket on the bed. "I go to UIC too. But I'm a junior in business so I don't think we've seen each other around."

"Oh cool." Trixie says. "Well I should leave you to get settled?" She turns to ask me.

I nod even though I really don't want her to leave. It makes me so anxious having to live somewhere other than the center I've been at for almost a year. At least if I was going back to the dorms I would've been returning. "Text me tonight?"

"Of course." She replies and kisses me on the cheek. Violet and I walk her to the door.

"Thanks for dropping her off." Violet says as Trixie is on her way out. "See you soon!"


And then it's just violet and I. "Fame will be back around 5, want to get pizza tonight? We usually do on the weekends but tonight seems like good a night as any."

"Sure." I respond.

Though I've been here before it feels strange that I actually live here now too. I'm still not completely sure where everything is but I'll figure it out soon enough. "Do you care if I spend some time alone until dinner?" I ask Violet.

"Of course you can, I'm sure you've had a long day." She replies.

I make my way to the room and sit on the edge of my bed. I'm happy to be here. Glad that I can think straight and that I'm clean again. But even after being completely clean for almost 10 months the anxiety has yet to go. It's too soon to call Trixie, and I don't need anything anyways. Even if there was something I wanted to call her for I'm not sure I would. I know she gets that I'm extra anxious but I don't want to be needy. She's done so much for me already, it doesn't feel right to ask her for more.

My phone buzzes and it's a text from my mom asking if I've made it to the apartment. I tell her I have and we're going to get pizza tonight. After a short conversation I lay the screen face down and stare up at my ceiling. I still can't believe I'm finally here.

Okay I know it took me forever to get this chapter out and I'm sorry. Hopefully you like it so far. It should only get better lol

Updates are probably going to keep coming a little slow because I start school in a week and Wattpad is blocked from the WiFi. I'd use my VPN but I'd get expelled rip

Have a great day! :p

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