Chapter 11

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Trixie POV- November (Freshman Year)

This song is almost done. I feel almost stupid for writing it. Maybe it's too sappy or maybe she'll think it's condescending. I'm not really sure. Even if she never hears it I think it's as much for me as it is Katya. She screwed me over and even though I think we're going to be okay (I'm crossing my fingers), some days I need a reminder.

It's been strange without her around but the good thing that's come out of it is our loss of co dependence. My whole life I thought it was a good thing to have one person who was just your favorite. I learned, after a longer time than I'd like to admit, that it ruins relationships. Every friendship I lost confused me. I'd always been so close with my friends and then it felt like one day they'd always just fizzle out. And I would be the last to realize it. It happened over and over and eventually there was a pattern. Not everyone based their life off of one single person and I shouldn't either. Because (plot twist) it doesn't work. It never has worked, it never will work, because we aren't made to be co dependent.

So, when I saw what was happening between me and Katya I started to appreciate the time away. Maybe it's in a selfish way that I still think that way. But, I think it's more healthy to have other things of interest, other friends, my life outside of her.

Because of all of that this song feels like all my emotions about her whole situation crammed into organized chords and notes. That's what I like, you take the disfunction and give it a tune and it makes just a little more sense.

Late January- Sophomore year

Closing night of the show was yesterday so it's weird now to be free all the time. Between classes I can just go to the library or my dorm which feels strange given that before I was running from classes to rehearsals as fast as I could. While I miss it, I'm also enjoying the alone time I have.

After my first class of the day it's only 9 in the morning. There's an hour until my art class and even though I don't really have anything I need to get done I head to the library anyways. The building is huge with modern tables and blue chairs. I only sit down for a moment before I see Jaida coming over. She sets her bag down and sits in the chair across from me, a smile on her face. "So when are you gonna do it?" She asks.

"Do what?" I reply, playing dumb.

"Give her the song." She says. "Trix you have to stop putting it off."

I sigh. "I know I'm just nervous."

Jaida makes a face at me. "What is there to be nervous about? If you wrote it she'll like it. And I've heard the song."

"How do you know you've heard it?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes. "Well now you're just giving yourself away. You never said it but it was the one you were playing the other day in class."

I'm honestly surprised she knew it was that one. Is it that obvious? "Damn you're good."

"No you're just predictable." She teases. "It's a good song. And, it shows her you care."

"What if she get mad or is like completely unimpressed?"

Jaida grabs my hands across the table. "Listen. Contrary to what you apparently believe most people are very flattered when someone writes a whole ass song for them. I'd kill for someone to write a sweet song about me." I squint at her and she laughs rolling her eyes again. "Shut up."

"I didn't say anything." I retort. "You wanna go for a walk?"

She nods and we grab our stuff and walk around campus for a half hour before art starts. Both her and Katya are in the class too. We took it because we wanted to get more credits done before next year. Jaida wants to graduate early, I just like to have a full schedule.

Wishes- Trixya (Sequel to Prom) Where stories live. Discover now