Chapter 10

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Katya POV- Early December (Freshman Year)

I know I'm not supposed to leave, I know it's not going to help me, and I know it will make everyone more mad at me. What else am I supposed to do? I can't stay here. Not on this bathroom floor wondering if I'll wake up again if I fall asleep. I can't do that either.

So I take my phone out of my pocket and dial 911. I don't hit the call button. It feels too real which is strange because lately nothing has. It's just a moment of clarity and it feels just as horrid as it does magical. How did it get this bad? How did I not see it? Everyone had told me and I thought they were being dramatic but I can see it now. I can feel it in every single part of my body, in the way it aches and in the way that there's no more muscle on my bones. It's apparent in my shaking hands and hair that's falling out if I tug just a little too hard. I'm a mess.

"Hello?" The phone says, a woman I've never heard before.

"Fuck. No." I mutter but it's too late. "Yeah um. Hi."

"What's your emergency."

"I um. I think I need to go to the hospital again."

"Can you tell me where you are and your name?"

"Yekatrina Zamolodchikova." I reply. "I'm in the gas station by 72nd street. It's I don't even know why I'm here but I know I did something bad."

I can hear typing. "Okay we're sending someone. What do you mean something bad?"

"Like drugs or something? I don't know. But it's not good."

"Stay on the line until they get there, it'll be three minutes max. They're just down the street."

"Okay." I whimper.

It's a start I suppose. Hopefully the start that I need though I'm not sure right now. My head is fogging again, I'm strangely tired, the confusion starts set in. The green floor tiles start to ripple, turning into a sea of what feels like syrup. I watch as my skin cracks, the green begins to seep through the cracks in my body until I feel like I'm filled with poison instead of blood. And maybe I am, I don't really know anymore.

Katya POV- late January (Sophomore year) (yeah I know time jump but it seemed fitting lol)

"Come on!" Shea says, grabbing my hand and tugging on it, pulling me down the street. "We are not going to be late for this."

I can't help but laugh as I stumble and regain my balance. We run across campus in mostly finished makeup and mini dresses that are definitely too cold for January. Trixie had told us we didn't have to dress nice but we all wanted to anyway. Shea and Jaida run ahead leaving Dela and I in the dust.

By the time we reach the theater doors we're all doubled over from laughter and gasping for air. "Go!" I say, pushing Dela through the door.

The minute she's in the door she starts to walk like we weren't just causing a scene outside which makes me want to laugh even harder. I choke it back and follow behind her to our seats. Luckily we'd reserved them ahead of time so our view isn't terrible. The overture starts only minutes after we arrive and I sit back, trying to hold in my excitement and joy. I can see on Jaida's face that she's doing the same thing.

One thing I hadn't quite expected: Trixie looks very different on a stage. Her blonde hair is tied back in a way she would normally do it and the outfit isn't that far off either. It's strange though, she's a separate person up there (which I know is the point), but it still surprises me. I think it's the way she holds herself slightly on the tips of her toes, shoulders relaxed and open. She looks like she belongs up there. I quickly decide it's because she does.

Wishes- Trixya (Sequel to Prom) Where stories live. Discover now