Chapter 8

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Trixie POV-

December (Sophomore year)

Christmas Eve goes fast and before I know it we're piling onto a little bus at the corner of the neighborhood. We're all crammed in seats in the back, Katya's siblings squeezing two to a seat so we can fit in the limited space left. They won't stop laughing, one of her sisters pretending she's going to throw hot chocolate on her brother. When we start driving slowly down the street I put my arm around Katya's shoulders and she smiles at me, her cheeks red from the cold. "Have you ever looked at lights here?" Her grandma says.

Katya pokes me in the side. "She's asking you."

I nod, then shake my head. "Wait no I haven't. I've only been here in the summer."

Her grandma nods to me. "You're going to like it, I always say it's the best in the world."

Katya rolls her eyes. "I'm pretty sure it's like every other lights display but okay." She chuckles. "We go to the same place every year." She informs me. "It's everyone's favorite."

"Ah I see." I reply, shivering a bit from the cold. "Why don't they have heating in this bus?"

They all shrug. "It probably did at one point." Mrs. Zamolodchikova says.

Katya grabs a scarf from the backpack and wraps it around me. The bus makes its way into neighborhoods pretty quickly, all the rich neighborhoods always have the best lights. There's a few that are themed with the houses around them, and some that have light displays going high up into twisty cones. Katya's siblings point out characters that they like in some of the yards and the sky turns to a dark blue, reflecting off the small bit of snow on the ground.

The bus drives for almost 2 hours, winding through small streets with houses packed together, the yards getting less extravagant as we near the busier cities and make the way back to where we began.

When we get back my face stings from the cold and all the lights in the house are off, most of which won't be turned back on tonight. Everything is quiet and it's nice to be back in where there's heating and warm blankets thrown on every bed. Katya has another room she can sleep in but she comes back with me, pressing her lips to mine right after the door closes. She pushes me against it, accidentally causing it to shake and make a banging noise. "Shit." She whispers, and I can feel her smile. "Please nobody come see why the door made that noise."

Luckily for us nobody does come. She grabs me and puts me on the bed, grabbing blankets to cover up with. "Jesus Kats, warning please." I laugh when she picks me up to scoot me against the headboard. "Did you lock the door?"

She gets up and runs to it, unable to hold in her laughing.

"You always forget." I tease. "One day that's going to come back and bite you in the butt."

She rolls her eyes. "Okay well not tonight, shush."

"You shush you're gonna wake someone up." I whisper, biting her neck slightly harder than I meant to. Her eyes go wide and she nods at me, leaning in to kiss me again.

An hour later the rest of the house is asleep and Katya is sitting against the wall letting me paint her nails red and green for tomorrow. Her hair, though naturally wavy, is almost too thick to curl so she lets me braid it so it's kinda curly in the morning. She's doing all of this to make me happy, at least that's what she says, but I can tell she likes it too because she keeps asking me to put glitter and other things on her nails. "The more I put on the longer you have to let it dry."

"It doesn't matter, we don't get up that early on Christmas and we can always go back to bed. We don't open presents until after church and that isn't until 10:00."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, but don't complain to me when you're tired and can't go to bed."

"I'm not going to get tired. Can we watch a movie?"

I shrug. "Yeah turn something on. And make sure it's the cheesiest Christmas movie you can find."

"Yeah but all those are filled with the straights." She says, turning on the tv.

"Yuck, I kinda forgot about them for a second there." I laugh. Katya turns some hallmark movie on anyways and we watch the horrid acting while she paints my nails. To be honest, it would definitely look better if I painted my own nails but she was so enthusiastic about it I wasn't going to resist.

Katya throws me a pillow. "Wanna make a fort?" She asks, smiling at me from behind another pillow.

"Yeah." I smile back.

We gather all of the blankets in the room and pile them onto the floor, before surveying the room to see what we can tie them to. The bed is obviously the best option, then there's the night stand and the desk in the corner. Katya's convinced we can get one to stretch to the chair in the corner by the door but even I don't think that's going to work.

The blankets have to overlap to cover the space we want them to and the ties keep nearly coming undone. Eventually we get a pretty solid roof of the fort. I start making little blanket walls and she sets all of the pillows in the middle. There's a huge pile of them (probably because we're in her grandparents house and old people love decorative pillows.)

"Come on, get in." I tell her, pulling her through the little doorway into the small and dim area. "Look at our masterpiece."

She leans her face right next to mine and squints at me before kissing me on the tip of the nose. "I really love you. You know that?"

"I do know that. And I love you too."

"Good." She replies. "I certainly hoped so."

I laugh quietly and turn off the tv with the remote, letting her lean into my chest. "Are we sleeping in the fort?"

"Well it looks a lot less suspicious doesn't it?" She asks.

"I hadn't even thought of that." I reply, holding back a laugh. "Yeah it's less suspicious."

Katya grabs my hands in hers, realizing mine are cold, and holds them tightly. "We have presents for you tomorrow." She tells me. "My mom and I picked them out."

"Do you really?" I ask.

"Yeah of course."

"Well I brought you a gift from me, and I have little ones for your siblings, and another for each of your parents."

She kisses me gently on the cheek. "You didn't have to buy gifts."

"Once I knew I was coming I wanted to. I like picking things out for people."

"I know you do." She says. "Excited for tomorrow?"


I was going to write Christmas Eve and Christmas in the same chapter but I think I should update and I don't want to write more tonight lol

Also, for some reason I woke up today with 2x as many reads as I had last night so thanks to anyone who started reading recently :p

Have a great week :)

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