Chapter 18

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Xan's POV

Thomas left a note coded to me at the transfer station that Goliath's mothers name was Soot. He was a twin set, Soot left with the female, she was as black as a ravens wing, another raised Goliath. The message was left about a week ago. Thomas also said that my sister is getting close to Lex. She even told my mother that Thornberries are part of Lex's regular diet. My mother spread the word to whom ever is preparing Lex's meals. I am wondering what is going on because my sister is never nice to anyone unless there is something in it for her. Raven is even helping Lex in the still room. My uncle said that Raven was useless at a still, so I wonder how or why Lex is letting Raven help. My uncle Charles is he still master so he should know how good people are at using the distillery. We are almost at where those apple trees where. The greenhouse in my still would look good with the sapling in it, and I know Lex would love it.

"Golem, apple find."
Golem took off at a run. Xan held on tight.

The trees look exactly the same as the last time he was there.  Xan shakes out the tightly woven grass sheet used to bury bodies in.  He carefully digs around the little tree.  Near the edge of his hole Xan sees bone.  I have to dig further to see what body was hidden here.  It is a horse and a human.  The human is male, and there is no less then 5 arrow heads in his chest cavity.  The horse is wearing a hackmore.  Crud the crest on the brow-band is missing.  There is a metal plate on the cheek band.  Raven.  This is Lex's father's horse.  I will take an arrowhead back to her.  Should I take the tree?

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