Chapter 5

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Lex’s POV

Lex wakes up curled around Xan.  He is watching her, and she realises that her hand is under his shirt.  Lex blushes. 

Xan sits up and pulls Lex up with him.  Xan looks down at Lex and signals to her hand with his eyes. 

Lex blushes deeper.  She pulls her hand from under his shirt and lean forward to hide her reddening face, accidently placing it firmly in Xan’s lap. 

Xan takes a deep breath and through clenched teeth says, “If you want to get anywhere today I recommend you move your head.”

Lex feels his arousal bonk her in the nose.  Lex runs her hand up his thigh and licks her lips.

“As much as I want to feel your mouth on me again, we have to get going.”  Xan quickly gets up and stiffly breaks camp.

Behind Lex, Golem and Bella are whickering. 

Lex turns around and puts her closed fist by her mouth just touching her jaw.  She then rotates her fist, while shaking her head no. 

Golem immediately stops and hangs his head.  Bella looks at Golem her eyes go wide and she hangs her head too.

Lex grabs an apple out of her bag and slowly eats it.

Xan sees the contrite horses then looks at Lex questioningly.  Lex does the fist jaw sign again then points to the apple she is eating. 

“You mean to tell me that he works for apples?”

Lex inclines her head slightly, and then nods.

“Apples are not something we really have on the property.  Should we go back to town to get some?”

Lex shakes her head and snorts.  Glad to have the horses ready Lex mount Golem and signals Xan to follow.  She grabs a double handful of mane, leans forward and whispers “Apples find.”

Golem takes off like a shot.  He gallops full speed through the forest.  Lex sticks to his back like a bur.  Golem suddenly stops by some really old looking trees and one sapling.

Lex grabs one of her fishnet carry bags.  She drops her cloak onto the ground followed by her gloves and shoes.  She then starts to scale the tree from Golems back.  She picks as she climbs.  When she gets to the top she heads down to Golems back, she drops the bag on the ground, gets out a new one and does the same thing with the next tree.  She repeats until she is out of carry bags.  On the last tree Lex climbs down and feeds Golem one of the apples.  She ties the carry bags to both saddles. 

Xan leads Lex onward home.

(Authors note:  Here is a small part.  I broke up the chapter because I am not getting much time to type up the chapters.  If you see any spelling mistakes, or diction errors please tell me.)

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