Chapter 15

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Xan's POV

There was a message waiting at the  trans-location system for Xan. Thomas asked Xan to call the compound as soon as he could.

Xan got the message just as it was left. So he called Thomas back. "What is so important that you are using the voice messaging component? It is suppose to not exist anymore."

"I have to tell you what has happens in the last few days." Thomas said.

"It is so important that you have to risk the security of the system. Thomas you only were taught about the existence of the trans-location system earlier this year."

"Yes but I have been working the relay system since I passed my messenger test. Are you ready to hear the information?" Replied Thomas.

"Are we on a secure channel?"

"How secure do we need to be?".

"You are the one with the information. Green button is everyone can hear if the know how to access the system, yellow button if you hit it just after green is for high level operatives only, and if you hit the green then yellow then red only the head of the family can overhear, and only at the main relay or her office desk. If you do not hit the buttons in the right order the call hangs up and no new calls can be made for a specific amount of time."

The screen was outlined in green, then yellow, and then a little red dot started blinking in the top right of the panel.

"That bad?"

"Well.  Your uncle and cousins think Lex is deaf, dumb, and quite possibly and idiot.  The Assain's are doing things for her without being forced.  She successfully commanded me to report.  Your sister tried and failed to kill her.  The Thornberry's doing well now. Lex has a full blood bond.  And you failed to mention that Lex is a girl."  Thomas finishes panting.

"I do not care what my uncle nor my cousins think.  She rides a large stallion that is less than 20 years old, so I think she knows how to get them to do what she wants.  I have spared with Lex so I know that she can hold her own for a bit.  I am happy the Thornberry is now well.  The blood bond is with me.  And the only difference that Lex's gender makes is that she is my wife not my husband."

"Wait, the blood bond is with you. Why did you not tell me you were blood bonded with someone."

"Do you remember when we were little and I came home covered in blood.  My mom rushed me to my grandfather, and he kicked my uncle out of the room."

"Yes.  Your uncle was banging on the door and making a horrid racket about how you were dying and he needed to be in there because he was now the head in training because your mother did not have an heir."

"You know how my grandfather left the room laughing and told my uncle that it is okay. I would just be tired for a few days do to blood loss."

"Your uncle was furious.  He threw a temper tantrum the whole way to his room."

"Before I fell asleep, I told my mom and grandfather about the girl that I met.  She had fire red hair, and she healed the gash on my side.  I fell asleep to my grandfather saying that my highlights in my hair were turning red from the blue that they were before.  That is when the blood bond happened.  My mom told me to introduce her to the girl and not to tell anyone else about her.  Thinking back it is because she was worried that the girl was going to die, so she was making sure that no one would tell me and feel sorry."

"Lex has red hair?  But how is she still alive? We are taught that children with red hair's body metabolizes itself before they reach puberty."

  The red light started to double blink.  "One second Thomas my mother is at her desk and needs to but in. "  Xan hits the 'conf" button.  "Go mom, or is it Ma'am?"

"Just mom right now.  I heard what Thomas has said to you.  I need you to hurry, as it is you will not get back here for a month.  And I do not need your uncle to request that Thomas or your sister stand in for you so that Lex can get officially introduced.  I have always met her as your mother not the head of the family so we can not bypass it."

"Okay mom, I understand.  While I am gone can you look into finding Lex's family.  When we were little she said he father died before she was born and she was raised by her grandmother.  The only specific things I can remember her mentioning right now is that her fathers horse suicided after he died.  His horses name was Raven.  And she has fond memories of her grandmother's horse named Soot.  I have a feeling that something about her past is very important.  Also please keep your digging quiet.  I am pretty sure that her step father is trying to get her dead."

"Thomas come to my office I need to talk to you officially.  Wind speed my son, and come back safe."

Xan signed off.  He mounted Golem and made his way through to he next location.

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