Chapter 12

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Lex's POV

"Hood down." Lex complied. "Hair scarf off." Lex ducked her head but complied. "Lexie?" the lady sounded stunned. "He said you were still alive. He would not tell me how he knew, but he insisted. "

"Xander still knew I was alive?" Lex croaked.  "I did not know a numb skull could sense that."

"How dare you we were worried sick when you stopped showing up a the ruins.  And you have the audacity to call my son an idiot...."  The Lady yells

Lex holds up her hand. "Hisdf, adsa, whatssd." Lex mutters then starts coughing.

The lady hands Lex her notepad and a hanky.  "What are you trying to say?"

Numb Skull:  Slang for;  One who is without

                        Has not

                     Can not sense the energy around them. Is the closest translation in common tongue.

"What is your first language?"

When my grandmother was still alive we learned English first because she used to like to play the old digital movies for us during thunderstorms.  Why?

The lady mutters to herself for a few minutes.  

Lex goes to the corner and retrieves the blade, string, and her glove.  The blade is notched where the string was, the string was sightly frayed, and the glove was a little dusty but all and all fine.  Lex bangs the dust of on her leg the puts the glove back on.  

"Give me that." Xan's mom holds her hand out.

Lex gives her the broken blade.

"Not the blade, the string."  She put the blade into her belt pouch and holds out her hand again.

Lex shakes her head no.

"Why no?"

You do not have on the proper gloves on to handle the string.  If you accidentally wrap it around your finger and pull, it will cut through the bone.  Even having it in your hand, it can give a really nice cut.

"Lexie where are you from?  When I first met you, it was in the old ruins.  Your first language is archaic, and you have an garrote in your hand that we have not known how to make in at least 50 years."  The lady took a deep breath.  Is there a cryogenics lab in the basement of the ruins?"

Lex looks confused. Cryogenics?  What is that. I know ninety percent of the ruins buildings was labs, the other ten was living space, five percent on each side.  The whole building was mirrored.  I wonder if my family home and this one where both part of the original, because they seem to be exact opposites.  

"Earth to Lexie.  Why were you in the ruins when Xan met you?" 

Tending the garden.  My family has been doing it for generations. And hiding from my step father.

"You are the gardener, and apparently the seamstress.  Any other talents that should be noted?"

If you can keep it to yourself?

"Of course. Your secrets are your own and not for me to tell unless ordered by the head of the family."

Yes I tend the Thornberry's, my family uses every part of the plant.  I know enough weaving and sewing to make my own cloths from the pods.   But my main skill is in the still room. Where no piece goes unused.  

The lady reads the note smiles then throws it into the fire.  "My name is Katherine.  You can call me Katie.  I would like you to bring your full kit, the keys my son gave you, and follow me."  

Katie led her down the hall to the plain door across the hall from the sewing room.  Katie motioned to the door.  

Lex took the small delicate key and placed it into the lock.  The door opened with a soft click.  Lex walked in.  Katie closed the door behind Lex and walk away. 

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