Chapter 4

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Xan’s POV

Xan stopped when he saw Lex stop just short of the town and dismount.  Why did she not continue she would have won? 

Lex pulled off her cloak causing the sun to glint off very fine thread stitched in only what he could assume as healing symbols around all of the edges of the material, even the pockets.  She then turned the hooded sleeved cloak inside out leaving the sleeves on the inside.  She then meticulously tucked around her hair scarf, and pulled up her gloves.  Lex remounted her horse and looked around.  When she caught Xan looking at her she seemed surprised. 

Xan led Lex to the stables of the Inn that serves his favorite stew.  Bella nickered a greeting to another Assain mount in the stable.  He let both horses go in the paddock.  “You can get off now.  We are only going in for stew then leaving.”  Lex looked at him with trepidation in her eyes.  “You will be fine.  You are my guest and my family will pay for both of us when word gets back to them”    Lex got down off the horse, reluctance showing in her demeanor.

Xan went in and took a corner table.  He signals the server for two bowls of stew.  “Lex sit, eat.”  They ate quickly and quietly.  When finished Xan and Lex got up and started for the stables. 

The owner grabs Lex’s left arm.  Lex flinches, takes a sharp intake of breath and rips her arm out of the owners grip.  “You did not pay.  You will pay now.”  Spittle flies out of the owner’s mouth as he yells.

“Did this patron arrive on an Assain stallion?” Xan asks

“Yes” the owner replies

“Are they wearing a black cloak and gloves?”

Gulp “yes”

“Did they arrive with a noticeable member of the company that has an arrangement with you?”

The owner’s eyes were wide.  Xan saw his cousin Thomas behind the owner.  “Do not .....”

Thomas bare-handily plunged a dagger into the ex-owner’s side.

“Hi Thomas, I thought I saw Fox.”  Xan greats

Thomas steps around the body and Lex.  He reaches out and grabs her right wrist in what should have been a friendly hand shake but Lex flinches and pulls her arm under her cloak and out of Thomas’ hand. 

Thomas is standing there shaking his hand like it is numb.

“Thomas.  THOMAS!  What did you need?”

“Raven asked me to wait here for you.  She said that you are running late.”

“Three days there, one week wait, and three days back.  She had you wait at the mid way point for how long?”

“Four days now.”

“Tell her I will get home when I get home.  Also tell your mother to send the money for two stews, and a bill for assaulting Lex here.”

“What severalty to family closeness?”

Xan blushes.  Thomas’s jaw drops slightly and he looks at Lex.  Lex is staring off into space at the approximate location of her horse.

“Lex is under current conditions mute.  Have you met her mount?  He is the one with Golem embroidered on his saddle.”

“He is the size of Goliath.”  Thomas reaches out and tries to pet Golem.  Golem returns the favor by trying to bite.  Thomas jumps back.  “Good thing my dad has me train with his Shadow often.  She is just a little faster than him.”  Golems ear perk forward at the name Shadow.  “It is too bad that she lost hers and Goliaths foal Shade to lethal white.  She has since refused to foal.”

“Thomas, please keep Lex a secret for now from everyone especially my mother and Raven.”

Xan sees Lex wobble and stagger slightly.  He opens the paddock and Golem moves to her side.  Xan puts her in Golem saddle and climbs up behind her.  “Glue, follow.”

Xan kicks Golem to a trot.  He heads out of the town, and into the forest past the road.  Once he is a safe distance from both the town and the road he dismounts. 

“Lex, show me your arms.”  He pulls off his gloves.  Lex shakes her head no, and pulls the edges of her cloak tighter around herself.  Xan’s eye flash red and her storms closer to her.  Lex flinches back and dismounts to the other side of Golem. 

Xan’s demeanor deflates.  “Please Lex.  I just want to see that you are okay.”  Xan sees Thomas out of the corner of his eye.  Lex walks around Golem and pulls off her cloak showing her left arm first.

Thomas sees Lex’s left arm pales than speeds off as fast as his horse Fox could take him.  He will be home in no time seeing as Fox is the fastest horse in the stable.

Xan looks at Lex as she drops the cloak on the ground.  Her left arm looks like it was dipped in acid, and her right wrist looks scalded.  Xan lifts her right arm and pulls off that glove.  The scald sooths where ever his finders trace.  Lex lets out a whimper when Xan drops her arm.  Xan pulls her into a hug.  He runs his hand up and down her right arm.  Xan takes a deep breath then grabs her left arm with both his hands.  His hands feel hot and tingly.  The raw look of her arm slowly goes down.  Lex passes out. 

Once the rawness leaves her skin Xan lets her arm go.  The arm looks like new skin after a bad burn.  Xan sets camp.

Lex wakes up with a start not long after Xan finishes the camp chores.  “Lex?”

She is staring off into space, her eye haunted.  Xan kneels in front of her and slowly brings up his hand to cup her face.  “Lex?”

She blinks, the cloudy look lifts from her eyes, and she leans into his hand.  Lex starts to cough.  Xan brings her into his chest and rubs her back.  Once her breathing eases she pulls his face down for a kiss.  Her lips taste salty and oddly metallic.  She bites his tongue when it enters her mouth.  I did not know that having your tongue bitten during a kiss would feel this good.  They eventually ate dinner ...and a few other things.

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