Chapter 17

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In the past four weeks Lex has kept to her schedule. The seedling in the stills green house are doing well. Someone planted them for her overnight four weeks ago. The supply shelves are being stocked at night with anything she uses during the day. Sometimes there is even listed orders on the counter. Lex has filled the inventory wall more then once already. The reservoir tank for the seedpod liquid is full, and more seedpods ate showing up in the spinning room. Lex has made Katie a pair of gloves and some long threads. She is about half way through a new cloak for herself.

Raven has started working in the greenhouse, weaving room and still room with Lex. She only knows about the still and washroom not adjoining rooms. Raven can make sealing wax on her own if the powered Thornberry root is pre-ground.

Lex's POV

Lex gets up in the morning feeling nausea. It has been four days. I hope this flu ends soon. Lex gets the door.

Raven is waiting on the other side with Lex's breakfast and a bag.

Lex runs to the bathroom and vomits.

"Lex, please come look at these berries. My mom said you might be interested in them. And hurry they stink."

Lex cleans off her mouth and reenters the room. Raven is holding a bag and it smells great. Lex opens the bag. Yes Thorn berries. Lex pops two in her mouth and chews with glee.

"Ew. How can you eat those. They smell like decomp?"

I have always eating them. They are part of my regular diet. You do not?"

"Still, ew. Why did you not tell us that the berries are part of your regular diet. If we had known we would have added them to your meals earlier."

Really. If I had told you even two weeks ago that I regularly ate the berries of the Thornberry plant what would you have done?

"I would have." Raven pauses. "Right. I would have made sure that you had non. Why did you make me like you?"

I did not. You did that on your own.

"Did not. I see that the nausea has not stopped. If I did not know that it is impossible I would think that you are pregnant. "

Lex gasps. She pops a berry into her mouth. It has been a long time I have been sick. I usually do not get sick. I have been vomiting after smelling certain things. And I have been eating the skin of the berry. They are so bitter that I usually do not. But there is a enzyme in the skin that stops the body from attacking and aborting the fetus. Lex sighs Crap.


Lex grabs a book from her bags. And heads for the door passing Raven a note.

I am going to the still for a bit.

Lex enters the still room. She starts grabbing the things she needs and puts them on the prep table. Raven joins her moments later. Lex starts mixing.

Raven starts talking but Lex pays no attention to anything she is saying. Lex places the mix into a test tube and adds a single drop of blood. As the blood dissolves the mix turns a very violently bright shade of neon.

Raven snatches up the tube and yells. "How is this possible? But you are a..."

Lex grabs the tube and tosses it into the bio bin to be cleaned later.

Why do you insist that this is impossible?

"Because you are a boy."

Who said I am a boy? Did you ask me? Or even your brother?

"Well no. But everyone knows."

I do not know why, but the people that know, have been very careful to only call me by my name, never my gender. And no one has asked me personally. I hope that you can keep this under your metaphoric hat.

"Before I say that I will one question."

Lex signals for her to continue.

"Is the child my brothers?"

Lex nods.

"Good. I will keep it quiet. What is your full name?"

Alexis Morgana. I can not give you my last name, but my use name is Lex Knit.

Raven is at the shelves with the products on it. She mumbles "A M A" Then starts laughing. Lex, you will definitely shake up this family. And trust me the old stuffing bags need it. I will keep my mouth shut, but promise me that I can be there when you tell my mother."

I can try. But I will not promise.

"As long as you try. Lets get your breakfast into you and I will be talking to the one that organizes your meals about the berries."

Lex returned to her room and then continued at her day as normal.

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