Chapter 20

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Lex's POV

Lex climbs out of bed. I can still smell him on me. Good thing I grabbed a new set of the loose garments like the ones he left with Thomas my first day here. The old ones are starting to irritate my skin. After stretching she gets dressed.

Lex leaves the room and checks on the Thornberry green house. Everything is running smoothly. Checking the still room gleams no new orders. In the green house there is an apple sapling, it looks the same as the one from the clearing that she showed Xan. I wonder if I could splice limbs from other historically local fruit trees to it. Tree fruit is very rare, to extinct, since that virus ran through. It caused all the seeds/pits to harden, and the fruit itself to get mushy, most of the time to the point that it falls apart before maturity. Lex heads back to her room after watering all the plants.

Checking for a hidden compartment on the door Lex finds a full un-punctured Thornberry pod. I wonder how long this has been there. It still feels firm and supple. Lex closes the compartment, washes her hands.

Good thing my Grandmother showed me the secret stuff. This place was built to the same specification as my home compound just backwards.

Lex's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door.

"Lex I have your breakfast here, and something to tell you." Thomas yelled through the door.

Lex opens the door for Thomas. He walks in and places the tray on the table. "So, my father went to Xan about that obstinate beast he rode in on, and how he can not even brush it. Xan said an interesting thing. He said that the horse is yours, and that you can control it without reins. So, they both went to the Head." Thomas looks at Lex to see if she was paying attention.

She nods for him to continue.

"To make a short story longer, part of your daily routine has to now include riding, what my father is calling 'that monster'. He will not even let me near it."

Golem is a sweet heart. He would not hurt a fly.

"Why did you call him Golem?"

When he was a foal if he stood still he looked like a statue. Also his movement in the beginning was quite stiff.

"You called him Golem because he looked and moved like he is made of rock? Never mind. After you eat, can I see him."

Lex nods.

After eating, Thomas leads the way to the stables. Golem is tied to more than one post by both ropes and chains.

"He really does not look happy. Or even friendly. Are you sure he is nice?" Asks Thomas. "I think he even growled at me."

Lex touches Golem's head. Are you trying to scare people again,you naughty horse.

Lex starts untying the ropes, and unlooping the chains. She looks at Thomas and motions as if she is brushing Golem.

"Oh, you need a brush?" Thomas says. " I will just go get you one."

Lex brushes Golem, checks his teeth and hooves, then grabs his saddle and some carry bags, and heads into the ruins.

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