Chapter 13

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Xan's POV

Xan walks into the apothecary s home. He is having a party, the banner just inside the door reads
The healer is dead! :)
Good for nothing white robe

Xan walks up to the apothecary stands behind him and says. "So you knew the black robe was a white robe in disguise and you still hired an assassin to kill them. And you gave said assassin false information. As well as killing an innocent man as cover. Do you know what the penalties for any of these things are on their own?" While Xan was talking the apothecary jumps spun around and slowly backed up until his back was against the wall. Xan slowly followed him. Everyone else in the room backed away, and ran out the door.

"But, but he was costing me money. The poor was going to him because he charged cost or free to them. The middle class was starting, and soon he would have the upper class to. He was cutting into my profits so he had to go." The apothecaries voice full of righteous spite.

With a satisfying crunch Xan broke the apothecary's s nose, rendering him temporarily unconscious. Xan ties him up in the door way spread eagle. Then throws the banner in the fireplace to burn it.

Xan turns around to see two Constables walk through the door one has the regional symbol, a trillium, on her uniform the other has the local symbol, a five pointed flower with a dove touching 4 of the five petals, on his. "Why hello officers how may I help you?"

The male growled out. "We have had reports that you are threatening Mister Devon here. As he is an upstanding citizen we can not have that."

"And you ma'am, why are you here?" Xan asks. The male constable looks angrily at Xan for not acknowledging him.

"I am Officer Kara and I am in this city investigating rumors of corruption in this city Mister Per..."

Xan interrupts her, "Okay but why are you here, here?"

"I am shadowing Officer Harvey today. Do you know why there is an Assain stallion ground tried out front?"

"Because if I tie him to the fence he will pull it out of the ground out of spite." Xan replied

"Now hold it there. Those fence posts are 5 meters long and sunk into the ground half there length. No horse could pull that out. " Officer Harvey sneers. "I know because me and the guys put them in."

"Golem, did you hear that those fence posts are 5 meters long, and sunk in half way. Could you fix that?" Xan yells.

*Thunk, thunk, thonk.* *Crrreeeaaak, thud.*

There you happy now officer? One fence post is sunk in further and one is on the ground pulled out."

"How, Why. I'm going to kill that horse." Yelled the Officer.

"One second Officer we have not been formally introduced." Xan said as he pulls off his gloves and tucks them into his belt. "My name is Xan Blight. And yours?" As he holds out his bare hand.

Officer Kara pulls her sword on Xan. "Put the gloves back on, Sir."

Xan puts his hands up in a non threatening nature. He notices the tattoo on is left ring finger that he has had since puberty has darkened especially around the black oak leaf on the top. Lexie, Lex. I can not believe I did not recognize you. "He used a conjunction. Texting Law 2045 states that he at least loses part of his tongue." Xan slowly reaches down and puts on his left glove first. "And he threatened to kill my wife's horse. Which gives him the option of seeing if he can survive a hand shake with me, or the horses hooves." Xan puts on his other glove.

"Is your wife a Blight too?" Officer Kara asks.

"No she is a Knit, which brings me to why I am here. Excuse me for a second." Officer Harvey started to move to the door. Xan reaches into his belt pouch of sleeping powders grabs one and throws it into the male officers face. The officer falls to the ground out cold, a small orange smear just under his nose.

"What did you just use?" Officer Kara asks.

"Orange sleep powder. 6 hours out plus a migraine when you wake up. Loss of sort term memory if you have alcohol in your system" Xan replys.

"Oh, okay, as long as it is non lethal." said Officer Kara.

"So, as I was saying. Mister Devon hired me to kill a black robe healer that was, according to him, killing rich people and robbing them. I of course demanded proof. He called me when there was a fresh body. I go to the scene of the crime to find my wife in her black robe standing by a warm corpse. I collect my wife, and bring her home. Then I return here to collect on the voided contract with this idiot, on my way to my next assignment."

"Soo, let me get this straight your wife is a black robe healer?" Officer Kara says.

"NO!" Xan sighs. "This could take a bit. Golem guard." Xan rubs his temples. "My wife is a really good White Robe. She has had the nasty habit of needing to help people that can not help themselves since she was a little kid. And yes I have know her that long. We where blood bonded as children, my grandfather approved of it. You wear the trillium so I know that you have spent at least one month in the visitor side of the compound. And they should have told you even if you recognize the uniform you do not call us Pernicious especially in public."

"No that did not come up."

"Who was your handle in the compound?"

"Charles, he said he was next in line to lead."

"Only if I die without children. Look in the fireplace, you will see the banner that the idiot put up. I was going to set it on fire later. He called a hit on false pretenses. We are a registered guild, and in good enough standing to train others for regional and higher. He voided his contract with us therefore I have to fulfill the consequences. I have to make this scene as gruesome as possible as well as burn that banner before I can continue on my way, and I would like to get back home to my wife as soon as I can. So if you do not mind." Xan gestures her to a corner.

"What about Officer Harvey?" Officer Kara asks.

"The usual, conspiracy to commit murder, taking kickbacks, Looking the other way, and all that fun." replys Xan as he starts his work.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because he was one of the people at the party, he ran home to get his uniform, before coming back here." said Xan as he made another cut.

"Why do you not just poison him then do the cuts?"

"Because the convulsions make for ragged cuts, cause more work, plus I do not like dodging vomit." said Xan sounding bored.

"What do you want to do with Officer Harvey?"

"Me nothing. He was drinking when I got here so he will not remember any of this. Which puts him completely in your court of what you would like to do to him." Said Xan distracted.

"So you have no problem if I drop him in the back yard naked, and say that I have not seen him all night? Even if I have to borrow your horse to drag him there?"

"Just ask Golem if he minds. As I said he is my wife's so I can not always get him to do what I want, so good luck." Xan says.

Golem walks in the front door ducking just far enough to grab Officer Harvey by the hair and start dragging him out the door. "Never mind Xan, Golem is helping."

Xan completes his work and sets the banner on fire. There is a Officers uniform in the fireplace with the banner. He did not see Officer Kara after she dropped it in there.

"Come on Golem, time to get to the trans-location system to get to our next stop." Said Xan as he cleans his hands on a cloth and tosses it in the blazing flames.

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