Pernicious Family

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Lex's (Alexis') POV

Lex rushes down the street. Her cloak just barley skimming the ground, her hood is, as always, pulled down to obscure her face.

Why was a runner waiting for me at the stables? I know that I was away for awhile but I prepaid my rent. It can't be due already. And why was it a different runner than usual, he usually uses the same runner as his apothecary. He said that he has been seeing the same one since he got out on his own and he won't switch now.

She stops for a second to cough blood into her handkerchief. I must find more thornberries. She continues on to her landlord's house.

Lex knocks on the door. It swings open as if it wasn't latched. "Mr. Chandler" she calls. She then coughs into her handkerchief.

Maybe he fell asleep in his chair again.

She goes to the study; Mr Chandler is in his chair with his wine goblet on his end table. The room reeks of voided bowls.

Deep breath Alexis, this is just another patent that called for help. Not the landlord that you have had for years.

Lex runs her left glove just above Mr Chandlers head. He is dead. She pulls off both gloves and shoves them in her pocket. She picks up his silver lined wine goblet off the table. There is a chalky white residue floating on the surface of the red wine. She dips her fifth finger in the wine and closes her eyes. Blood thinners, acid inducers, and powdered orange digitalis root.

She places the goblet back down and wipes her hand on her handkerchief and puts it back in her pocket. He has a history of bleeding ulcers why would anyone give him this prescription. She sees a shadow loom over her. She spins around and grabs the hand that is reaching towards her. "Do not touch him, he is dead." She rasps.

The darkly garbed stranger looks at their intertwined hands then yanks her towards them self. The stranger then reaches into their pouch, grab out some dust and throw it into her face. She passes out.

Xan (Alexander's) POV (six days earlier)

"I know that you wanted a meeting with the head of our organization but you can either talk to me or no one. The head does not just up and run anytime someone asks to see them." Xan exasperatedly replied.

"Look kid I asked for one of your best. And I expect to see someone with seniority here to fix this problem." said the potbellied apothecary.

Xan pinched his nose with his gloved hand. "You asked for one of the best and you got one of the best. You have to realize that people do not get old in my line of work. Also I have not been a kid for over 10 years." Xan glares at the man through the eye slits oh his mask. "What is the dire emergency that you needed an assassin for?"

The apothecary huffs "there is a black cloak killing patients."

"Black cloaks treat the poor, of course their patients are going to die."

"No this one is killing rich patients. He is taking all the business in the area then killing rich ones and keeping all the money."

"So you want me to remove this black cloak from the area?"

"Yes I want you to remove the black cloak."

"I will need proof that he is killing people. Is there any recently dead?"

"No, I will send a runner for you when he kills again."

"I only have one week. You know what Inn I am staying at."

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