Chapter 21

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In the ruins Lex checks on the Thornberry bushes most of them are over 3 meters tall.  Lex picks many large seed pods, berries, and thorns from the plants.  She places them into the apropreate carry containers attached to Golem's saddle. 

Lex wanders through the ruins grabbing plants, herbs, roots, and fruit growing wild there.  She places them in carry bags, or containers.  Lex climbs into the saddle and gives Golem his head as she sorts her loot. 

Head home boy.

Lex looks up to Golem's loud wikker greeting.  She see home, but it is the wrong one.

Her step father is out by the stable.  "How dare you come back here you evil little witch." He grabs at Golem's hachmore. 

Lex reaches down to block his hand. 

His other hand swings around, there is a blade hidden in it.  The blade takes Lex right across and through the eyes. 

Lex screams "Alexander!!" As she grips the saddle horn. 

Golem spins around and runs back through the ruins. 


Xans POV

The meeting was dragging on.  His uncle has been talking for 2 hours on the upgrades and supplies needed for the main still. 


Both Xan and his grandfather freeze, and sit up in their respective seats. 

"Go boy.  I recommen running." Says Xan's grandfather, Alexander.

"He can not go.  I am still talking." Grumpily demands his uncle. 

Xan hears his mother, " what gives you the right, to tell Xan what to do, while I am in the room." As he runs out the door, following the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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