Chapter 9

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Lex looks around the green house and spots what could be a door.  She wades her way through the garbage and debris to get to it.  Looking through the filthy glass she can just make out part of a court yard.  Lex clears the door and pulls it open with some difficulty.  She leans on the frame for a slight rest and the frame shifts.  She looks again and notices that it is a double door.  French doors on a greenhouse, it has been years since I saw something like that.   Lex cleaner the few weeds on the outside of the second door and pushed it open. 

Lex turns around and sees Thomas still staring at her.  She signals for him to go. 

Thomas continues to stare.  Lex reaches down and picks up a rat skull as she is standing up she gets pushed from behind.  Thomas shakes his head and leaves.  Lex turns to see Bella in the door way.  Lex starts scratching Bella’s ear.  I know girl.  This disgusts me too.    Lex starts to clear the debris around the sickly Thornberry. 

“Have you seen Bella Boo?”  Raven yells across the court yard.  “I think she ran away again, that stupid horse.  Hay, there are doors here.  I did not know that.  Oh there you are Bella Boo come here now.”  Raven enters the green house and grabs for Bella’s hackamore.

Bella edges away. 

Lex holds up her hand and Bella heads over.  Lex places her hand under Bella’s ear.  Can you ask if some of the horses to help me drag out the garbage please?

Bella nods and heads out the door pushing Raven out of the way. 

“What did you do to Bella Boo?”

I did nothing to Bella except talk to her like an intelligent being.

“You did not talk to her you placed your hand on her and she walked out.  Are you brain washing everyone?”  Raven whined.

“That is enough Raven, Lex rides an Assain stallion. “

“Not you too, Thomas.” Raven pouts.

 “Not me what, Raven?  Lex is helping us here.  Xan got a special disposition, and asked Lex to heal our sick plant.”

Lex continued to clear and sort the debris.  She placed the Thornberry matter in one pile, the animal matter in another, the regular plant matter and other garbage in the third to be dragged out.  Lex continues to listen to the conversation between Thomas and Raven. 

“Xan asked a Black Robe to help heal.  That is funny.  Everyone knows Black Robes failed healer school.  They heal the poor because no one will pay for their services.  They are invisible and lower then dirt.  And Xan shows care to this thing.  Xan asks me to keep an eye on it and to keep it safe.  His precious Lex.” Raven venomly spits.

“Raven was Xan’s exact words to you ‘Keep an eye on Lex and keep Lex safe’?”

“No his words were ‘Keep Lex safe, and stay close.’ He woke me up late last night to tell me that.  Why do you ask?”

“Think Raven.  He asked both of us to keep Lex safe.  Xan gets a disposition so that Lex can take over the greenhouse before being introduced to the head of the family.  You saw the report on what was found in Lex’s kit.  To even use half of it Lex has to be a really good healer.  Less than quarter of Lex’s kit could be found on a White Robe, the ability to treat anyone and stay anywhere without cost.   I have seen Lex’s scars, no one should have that many and live.  Because of what we know, we know Lex chooses to be a Black Robe, it is not a default.  Think who would choose the invisibility of a Black Robe, the scorn, and still be a decent enough person for an Assain to let them ride?”

Lex looks up because Raven does not reply.  Lex sees Raven standing between herself and the doors.  Ravens posture states anger.  Lex sees a horse slightly lighter coloured and a lot shorter than Golem walk through the doors.  Lex grabs Raven’s legs and pulls her down.  The horse’s teeth just missed Ravens hair. 

Lex stands up, brushes herself off and pulls off her right glove, tucking it into the waist of her pants.  She held up her hand at the same height as the horse’s nose. 

“Lex stop!  Shadow bites.” Thomas yells

Shadow noses Lex’s hand.  You will not bite me, you just do not like being called a stupid horse.  You are here to help me right?

Shadow nods. 

Shadow said she will help me drag out anything that has to be. 

Raven sees the note.  “What! She is just a dumb horse she cannot say anything, right Thomas?”

“I prefer to not be bit so I have to agree with Lex on this one.” 

“You stupid man whore, what have you done to the males in my life.  Why can you not just leave with that lame nag you rode in on?” Raven screams.  

The whites start to show around Shadow’s eyes.  Lex firmly places herself between Raven and Shadow.  She places her bare hand on Shadows shoulder.  It is okay Shadow.  She is just a very immature girl that still thinks that she is at the centre of the world.

Shadow snorts. You do not know, do you?

Know what Shadow?

Raven’s mother only has two children.  After the birth of her eldest she lost so many.  She almost lost Raven.  That is why Raven’s hair is white.  So Raven gets away with a lot. 

“What are you doing to Shadow?  Raven grabs Lex’s hand and pulls it away.

Lex’s gift kicks in and Lex feels Raven signature.  Lex rips her hand away and shoves on her glove.  How could that sweet innocent life turn into this self centred girl?  Xander and I used to play in the ruins when we were little.  He brought his mom to see me so I could meet his new sibling.  His mom watched me closely as I place my hand on her stomach to feel the baby kick.  Something was wrong and I fixed it.  I did not tell his mom, or him, but I think she knew.  She looked at me differently after that. 

Lex shook her head and continued to clean the greenhouse.  She looked around and she was alone.  I guess everyone left when i was lost in my thoughts.

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