Chapter 19

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Lex just got out of the shower. After eating her dinner. It has been a long day. There were no still orders so Lex had checked on the plants, they were fine. The Thornberry's were thriving, and the others were now taking great care of them. Lex was out of seed pods so she could not do any spinning. So Raven suggested that they use one of the empty rooms down the hall to spar. It was gruelling Lex was sore everywhere, and Raven had definitely gotten better.

Someone was in Xan's shower.
Lex grabbed her cloak and went through the closet entrance to his room. Using the shadows as cover she looked for changes in the room. Xan's scent permeated the room, and it was fresh. His saddle bags were sitting against the wall.

Xan looked absolutely delicious as he steps out of the bathroom with only the towel he is drying off with. Lex steps out of the shadows as he walks by.

"Frig Lex." He looks at the door. "How did you get in here, and why did I not know you were there?"

Lex places her gloves in her pockets then throws her cloak on the bed. She places her bare hand on his chest. "Yes you are real, and not some figment of my imagination."

"I am real, you are real.  But how did you get in here and why did I not know you where in here?"

"I am not a threat so your survival senses would not tell you that I am here."  Lex pulls Xan's face down for a kiss.  

Xan lifts Lex up, she wraps her legs around his waist.  They both ended up on Xan's bed.  


Lex slowly disengages herself for Xan's sleeping arms.  She slowly slips out of the bed.  Picking up her cloak and cloths, she creeps to the closet entrance and climbs into her own bed to sleep.

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