Chapter 4- Studying

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 Light glowed past the curtains when I woke up. My eyes felt puffy. I slipped exhausted, out of bed, and walked to my closet to pick out a blue T-Shirt, black Khakis, and plain blue flats this time. After getting ready, I walked over to the door of my room and touched the silver doorknob. It felt cold, but I didn't mind. I cracked the door open and headed slowly out, but my braided hair got caught when I closed the door. I winced and quickly put it back in an unusual perfect position. The apartment felt dead and eerie in the quiet morning but I could hear birds outside as they chirped and flew. I strode to the kitchen, looking down, and feeling invisible. "Did you just turn into Abnegation overnight?" Asked a voice that I easily recognized now.

        I looked up at Jeanine who stood in her hallway, waiting for an answer from me. I gave her a placid face and the smile of excitement on her face dropped. "Well, I'm going to the Lab!" Jeanine said walking over to the glass coat hanger that stood next to the door. It held her white lab coat. "I suggest that you go to the Library today," She said pointing at me. "Cereal's in the cabinet on the very bottom next to the refrigerator," She said before opening the door and walking out. A closed door followed, and at that point, I moved. In the cabinet were cereals that I had never heard of, so I picked what looked safest-Corn Flakes. After eating a balance of dairy, grain, and fruit, I grabbed the blue messenger bag that was in my closet. It had keys to the apartment already, so I headed out to the library.
        I took out a book on every subject and tried to read, but it was too quiet for me in the library. So, I went outside, and leaned under a tree. Some students passed by in pairs, chatting about various, scholarly topics, but I didn't have time for that now. The only history books that I could find were on Faction History. Although, some contained how the Earth was like in it's early days, there wasn't really anything on my era. This reminded me of home, and I remembered that I would have had a history paper due today in American History. I sighed. When the sun finally started to set, I had read through the entire history book. I didn't bother with reading and writing, because it was something that I already aced back at home.

        When I got back to the apartment, there was no one there, so I laid down on my bed and took out a fiction book that I had also got. I had read a chapter when I decided to settle down, that way I would fall asleep faster, but the window prevented that from happening. I walked over to the desk that waited for me in the corner of the room, against the wall of the door. I took out some paper, and drew with blue pencils until I heard Jeanine walk through the door. I knew that she would be furious with me if she saw me not reading, so I hid my drawings, jumped on my bed, and pretended to read the science book. Moments later, Jeanine walked in my room, but quickly left when she saw that I was "studying".

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