Chapter 12- Dauntless

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The last person that chooses is someone I know. We had all of our classes together and she was quite funny and giggly, so it's no surprise when she chooses Amity. I've read about the Dauntless many times, and have observed them too, so I expect for them to leave immediately, and they do. They holler and shout as we jump and run down the same stairs that the Abnegation use. Once outside, the sun blinds me for a moment, but after that, I stare up at the clear, blue sky, and throw my glasses into the air. I won't be needing them anymore. I run further to join the rest of the Dauntless. Running to the railroads has gotten difficult since I left my world, and had to stay at Erudite. I look behind to see the glasses on the ground, shattered into irreplaceable bits. Soon I see the train, and I feel happy, but nervous. What if I don't make it?

It turns out that I make it into the train easily, but an Abnegation girl struggles to take away her fear of jumping into the cart, so I take her hand and pull her in. She sits down beside me. I got on so early that I manage to catch a glimpse of Jeanine heading outside of the choosing ceremony building, previously known as the John Hancock Center. She takes a moment to observe my cracked glasses, before being flocked by co workers. She glances in my direction and moves on.

I look back at the Dauntless initiate from Abnegation. I decide to sit down beside her and smile sheepishly. "Hi, my name's Kristen," I kindly say.

"I'm Lyra," The Abnegation girl says. "I knew your name," She adds. We sit in the train for what seems like forever, rocking back and forth with its rough movements. "Why did you choose Dauntless?" Lyra asks after awhile. I look at her. She stares at me, her deep blue eyes filled not with curiosity, but with challenge. For a moment I remember the venomous glare that Jeanine gave me.

"I would not prefer to discuss it," I calmly say, trying to resist fear, except my words make me sound like an Erudite at heart.

        I soon see the Dauntless-born jump out of their carts, and I follow them with my eyes. They land about a story down, onto a gravel covered rooftop. I clutch Lyra's delicate, soft hand. And I don't hesitate, or calculate. I run, and then, jump. Lyra follows me and we both make it safely onto the gravel. I spiked the ground and so I am left with scratches and small pebbles, sticking to my knees, but Lyra can fly, because she has fewer injuries than I do. We follow the Dauntless-born crowd that gather around a man who has more piercings than I can count, and that says something. I can't hear what he says, but he stares menacingly at me as he steps off of the ledge and the crowd steps away from me. They obviously want me to jump off of the ledge. I step forward and balance myself on the edge. Down, is a dark hole and I can't see the ground. But it's only to scare me. That guy wouldn't have been alive if their wasn't something at the bottom of that hole to save me. I bend my knees and jump, once again, not calculating. For moments, I feel as though I am flying, that is until I am gathered in the hands of a rope net that burns my arms and back.

        I see a handsome, and muscular man waiting for me to focus again. He has red hair with black highlights and lush, forest green eyes. His hand is out, waiting to pull me out of the net, but I refuse to, and climb out in seconds by myself. He gives a charming smile after announcing that I was the first jumper, to a young woman with straight, and greasy, black hair. Her locks shine as light touches them and she has bangs that are straightly cut. Just how the Erudite with bangs, style their hair. I continue to two large and open doors that lead to Dauntless that shout at each other and laugh. I smile. Once everyone jumps we are lead down a hallway that is lit by the same lights as in Jeanine's apartment, and even in the Choosing Ceremony room. Finally we stop and the Dauntless-born are taken away to have a separate training session for stage 1.

         We on the other hand, are shown around, before going to a dorm where we will sleep. Two people didn't make it, and so not all of the beds are taken. I settle in one and Lyra sleeps in the one below me. A boy from Amity snoozes above me, and on the other side of the room are 2 Candors. One, a stiff shouldered boy, and the other, a short, but also stiff shouldered girl. They sleep on the bottom bunks. The boy has his bed over the girls. The person on that side with the top bunk is an Erudite boy. He wasn't well-behaved in class anyway. But he was a snob. Below him is an Abnegation boy and below him is a Candor girl who was known in school to have the potential to succeed as an Erudite. That makes 8 transfers but including the 15 Dauntless initiates, only ten of us, will have the right to truly call ourselves Dauntless when this is over.

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