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Lorenzo's POV:

We were all seated in the dining room nobody eating anything though. The dinner is literally left untouched. No one would first even come out of their rooms but me and Emilio forced everyone out.

"Guys come on eat something. You guys need energy so please eat something", I sigh

"Yeah giving up food won't help you", Emilio added

My younger brothers look up and glare at us.

"Our brother and sister are kidnapped and you want us to have food and take care of ourselves. What the fuck is wrong with you?!", shouted Xander slamming the table

"Yeah. Why is everyone behaving like it's normal fucking family dinner?", Lucas said angrily

"First of all don't talk to me like that. Second of all no one is behaving like this is a normal family dinner", Emilio hissed

"No. I don't think you really care that our sister and brother are not here. We here will enjoy tasty food and god knows if they're even given anything to eat", Damon shouted

That did it for me..

"Don't you dare say that we don't care about our siblings you brats! We're dealing with our pain as well as trying to take care of the family you understand! We miss them as much as you do so don't you dare decide what we feel and what we don't. We have been taking care of every single one of you since they're gone. Did anyone care or checked up on me or Emilio? No! You people are fucking used to being pampered by us. If you can't be grateful then shut up and don't fucking complain you brats", I shout angrily.

Everyone on the table looks at me with wide eyes. Obviously they didn't expect this outburst. But even I have emotions, even I'm missing my babies. They're testing my patience.

"Let's go Emilio, there's no use of taking care of them and being patient with their tantrums. I've had it till here. Eat or not. I don't fucking care anymore", I shout the last sentence to all of them and leave. Emilio following behind.

We go to my room and I immediately start crying. I can't take it anymore. It hurts not having my bambina around me. It hurts not hearing Max's constant laughs.

Emilio hugs me tight and says good things in my ears trying to calm me.

He started crying too after a while. We sit on the ground near the bed.

After sometime there's a knock on my door.

"Come in", Emilio said in small voice.

Everyone comes in slowly. First our younger brothers come in followed by the older brothers and then fathers and Grandparents.

By the looks on their faces it was obvious they are guilty and sorry.

"Enzo, Emilio we're really sorry for taking out our anger on you. Please forgive us", Damon said looking down

"We're just frustrated and upset coz we can't find them", said Lucas looking down as well

"We know you guys have been taking constant care of the family. We really do take you for granted. We didn't mean to hurt you", Xavier said tears in his eyes.

Oh god..I can't handle the tears..

"Enzo, Emilio we're genuinely sorry. We know how badly upset you guys are as well. You have been taking care of our brothers when we three weren't there", Ales said pointing towards him, Leo and Antonio.

"We wouldn't be able to work without worrying about the family if you weren't taking care of them", Leo smiled.

"I know they can be handful. I dont think I would have been able to deal with them. You have been doing it so patiently. Thank you so much", Antonio smiled

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