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The holidays rolled around and Donald came home from his service in the navy. He only signed up for a few months. The holidays were being filled with a lot of fun by everyone except for Scrooge and Della. Della was upstairs in her room. She had not been feeling well. She had a slight fever when she woke up two days before Christmas Eve. 

Della woke up and she was feeling almost nauseous. She didn't know why she was suddenly feeling so sick. She sat up and felt the urge to puke. She grabbed her trashcan and started to puke. She couldn't hold it back. Scrooge came in as he passed her room and heard her puking. She lifted her head out of the trashcan. "No, I think I'm sick," she said. He felt her forehead. "You're warm," he said. "Do you think it might be a bug or something?" she asked. "I think it might be," he replied. "I have a doctor's appointment today," she said. "Alright, when you get home, I want you to put your feet up and get some rest," he said. "I will Uncle Scrooge," she said. She got up and and got ready for the doctor's office. 

That afternoon, Della came home from her doctor's appointment. "Della, what did the doctor say?" Scrooge asked, "I am sick. It's just a bug. I've got to stay off my feet and I should be fine in a week," she said. She went into the living room and saw that the Christmas tree was already set up and Donald sitting in the recliner with Blayke reading a Christmas story under a blanket. Della couldn't help but smile at her brother and daughter. She sat on the couch near the recliner. She wanted to spend time with her daughter but she didn't want to get her daughter to get sick as well. It was bad enough that she was sick. Blayke was Della's little baby girl and Della didn't want that to stop being a thing for her. Della needed Blayke in her life. She wouldn't know where she would be if she didn't have Blayke when she did. Blayke was a special little girl. Della wanted the best for her little girl. Blayke deserved the best in life. Everyone made sure that Blayke was a happy little girl and she was. 

After Donald had finished reading the story to Blayke, it looked like she started to get sleepy. "It looks like it's nap time," Donald said. "Not sleepy," Blayke said, yawning. "I think you are," Donald said. Donald stood up and put Blayke down for a nap. Blayke was starting to get cranky because she needed a nap. 

Della needed a nap as well. It was a long morning for her. Donald had noticed that she was feeling a little unwell. When he came back down, he saw Della still laying on the couch. "Are you feeling alright Della?" he asked. "No, I'm not. I'm four months pregnant with triplets and I'm sick," she said. "Do you need me to do anything for you?" he asked. "Do you mind to take care of Blayke until I feel better?" she said. "Sure, anything for you sis," he said. He wanted to be there for his sister. "I'm kind of cold. Can you get me a blanket?" she asked. "Sure," he said and gave her the blanket that he was snuggling under with Blayke. He helped her to get comfortable under the blanket. "Thanks Donald," she said and sneezed. He handed her a tissue. He would so anything for his sister. He was her twin and she knew that she would do anything for her. She would do the same thing for him. They loved to take care of each other. They were family and they would do anything for each other because that's what families do. 

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