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Della and Donald soon graduated high school. Della was able to graduate with a baby in her arms. She wasn't going to walk across the stage with Blayke in her arms. She was able to take care of a baby and go to school. She found a balance between school and her daughter. She often invited her one friend, Amelia, over to study so they can both graduate high school. She didn't let a baby stop her. She didn't love school but she went anyway to show her daughter to finish what she starts. She wanted to finish high school. Scrooge high hopes for her in the future. He was working on securing the twins' financial future. He wanted to be there for the twins and he was there for the twins. 

Blayke started being able to walk and talk. She was able to get away from everyone so quickly. Blayke was adventurous just like Della. Della still loved her daughter in everyway possible. It was a little scary when Blayke got away when no one was looking. Della would be the most scared. Della would always hug her daughter tightly. Della didn't want to lose her daughter just yet. Her daughter was a year old. She needed a chance to live. Blayke loved Duckworth, Della, Donald, and Scrooge. 

"I'm tired," Della said when they got home from the ceremony. "I'm beat," Donald said. "It looks like Blayke is already asleep," Scrooge said, into Della's arms. "It looks like I've got to get her into bed," Della said. "Della went upstairs to get Blayke into bed. Upon reaching Blayke's room, Blayke woke up. "Mama, pway," Blayke said. "No Blayke, it's bedtime. We can play tomorrow," Della said. "Pwomise," Blayke said. "Cross my heart," Della said. Della got Blayke into bed. 

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