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It was soon the triplets first birthday. Della was excited for their first birthday. She got them special presents for each of them for their birthday. She wanted to do something special for their first birthday. She was excited when Blayke turned one but Della had to graduate high school that night. There was a little party thrown together for Blayke though. Blayke was almost three now. Della was excited for Blayke third birthday. Della had to plan out Blayke's birthday birthday but she would make it wait until morning. She had a month before Blayke's third birthday. Blayke seemed to have entered the terrible twos. It happened a month too early. Della didn't know how to do handle Blayke if she had one or two or all three of the triplets in her arms. She knew that she had to hand off whoever she had in her arms to someone else before dealing with Blayke. She got her family to help her though. 

"Mama," Huey said when Della walked into the boys' room. "Hey boys, happy first birthday," she said. Dewey started jumping around in his crib. Scrooge had to go to work early this morning and he would be back in time for the party that after afternoon and Donald was helping Duckworth with party decorations so that left her alone to take care of Blayke and the triplets that morning. Della was happy that her baby boys were already a year old. The whole family was going to be at the mansion for the party. She wanted everyone in her family to be there the boys like they were for Blayke. Blayke was already up and dressed. She needed to get the boys dressed and feed all four kids breakfast and take care of herself before anyone showed up for the party. Lucky for her, her cousins, Gladstone Gander and Fethry Duck, were there to help her with the kids. They helped her take care of the kids. She loved the help that she got from them. Gladstone and Fethry didn't mind to help her. Blayke ran up to Gladstone and Fethry who both gladly hugged her. Dewey followed Blayke over to the two adult males. 

Everyone soon got to the mansion for the party. Della had just finished getting ready for when everybody started arriving. Huey and Louie were shy but Dewey and Blayke were running up to everybody that showed up. Della didn't know what was going on with Huey and Louie. They were clinging to her tightly and they wouldn't let go of her. She wanted all of her kids to have fun at the party. She hoped that they would have fun. She just thought that it was because there was a lot of people at the mansion. She got the two clingy boys to at least say good bye to everyone that came. 

That night, Della put her kids to bed. Louie and Blayke were the easiest to put to bed. Huey and Dewey would just scream until Della picked them up again. She calmed them down until she thought that they were sleep. She held her two boys that wanted her attention. She wanted her boys to be able to get to sleep. She loved her kids a lot. 

Scrooge came into the boys' room. "Is everything alright in here?" he asked. "I can't get Huey and Dewey to sleep," she said. Scrooge Huey into his own arms. He put Huey into the crib and tucked him in. Huey didn't make any noise as he fell asleep. Della was taken aback while Scrooge did the same with Dewey. 

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