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Nine months later, Della was starting to have really intense contractions. It was late at night when the contractions started. At first, the contractions were really light and not consistent, so she wasn't really worried about being in labor, but as the night went on they got more intense. She didn't want to tell Scrooge that she was havin contractions because she had complained about contractions three times and Scrooge had taken her to the hospital only for the doctor to say that its Braxton Hicks contractions and to send her home only to get some rest and hope that the baby will come soon. Della started to get frustrated because she had enough of being pregnant. She just wanted to meet her baby girl already. She wished that the baby would come soon. 

The following morning, Scrooge got up and walled passed Della's room. He heard Della moan a little. He went in to check on her. "Della, are you alright, lass?" he asked. "Uncle Scrooge, I'm having contractions," she said. "When did they start?" he said. "Last night, around midnight," she said. "Donald," Scrooge called. Donald came running into the room. "Your sister is in labor," Scrooge said. Both males got her up and got her up and got her into Donald's car and they were off to the hospital. "Uh oh, my water just broke," she said. She gripped her stomach in agony. 

Della's doctor, Dr. Garcia, came into her room as soon as she was settled in. Dr. Garcia said that she was in active labor. She was three weeks early. Scrooge was a little worried about the baby being born early. He had to let the birth happen. She was going to have a baby and she needed to be a mom now. She was so young to be a mother. She was going to be a great mother. He hoped that she would be. 

"Uncle Scrooge, it hurts too much," Della said. "I know," he said. "You're going to be a great mother Della," Donald said. "Thanks Donnie, you were always there for me," Della said. Della turned onto her side facing Scrooge and Donald started to rub her back. She started to feel to feel better a little bit when Donald started to rub her back. She was in a lot of pain. She hoped that the pain would end soon. She wanted to get some rest but she couldn't if she was in so much pain and she also wanted to meet her baby. She had waited a long nine months for the moment that she would meet her little duckling. She was excited yet she was also scared. She didn't know how to be a mother. 

"Come on Della, you can do it," Scrooge said when she had to start pushing. "I can see the head Della. One more big push," Dr. Garcia said. Della gave one big push. "A healthy baby girl," Dr. Garcia said. Della leaned back breathing deeply. She was tired and she wanted to fall asleep but she couldn't. She wanted to meet her baby girl. Her excitement rose high above anything else that she was feeling. Her baby girl was going to be the light of her life now. She just wanted to meet her daughter. She had the most perfect family and she loved it. She loved every moment that she could get with her family it made her happy. 

After the birth, Della was starting to be happy that she wasn't pregnant anymore. She wanted to be the best mother that she could be for the baby. She had a baby. She wanted to get to be a mother. She wanted to be there for her daughter. Della had the sweetest baby ever. She couldn't think of what to do now. She loved to be a mother already. She knew that it was going to be a long journey for herself. 

"What are you going to make her?" Scrooge asked. "I was thinking I could name her Blayke," Della said. "That is a beautiful name, Della," Donald said. "Uncle Scrooge, do you want to hold her?" she asked, looking up to her uncle. "I don't think that I could ever hold her," Scrooge said. "Come on Uncle Scrooge," Donald said. "You can hold a baby," Della said. Della passed Blayke over to Scrooge. He kept wanted to refuse but he couldn't fight the urge to hold his newborn great niece. He held Blayke with gentleness and care. He knew that newborns were delicate and needed extra care. He saw how much Blayke looked like Della when she was a newborn baby. He was there when his niece and nephew were newborn babies. He loved his family. 

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