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Six months later, Della found out that she was pregnant again. Della didn't think that she would have more kids. She thought that one would be enough. She had not told anyone yet. Not even her own daughter. She had gotten good at being a mother. She was still living at the mansion with her uncle and brother. She was happy with her life. 

"Mommy, mommy," Blayke kept calling out for her mother. Della walked in sluggishly. "Here I am, baby girl," Della said. Della picked her daughter up and spent the whole morning with her. As the morning went on, Della kept getting more and more tired. She wasn't just getting tired, she was getting exhausted. She knew that pregnancy did this but knew that this pregnancy was different. She was carrying triplets this time. 

Around eleven, Della went to put Blayke down for a nap and take a quick one herself. They went into Della's room for a nap. "Let's take a nap, my little duckling," Della said. "I'm not tired mommy," Blayke said. "But mommy is," Della said. "Why mommy?" Blayke said. "Mommy didn't get much sleep last night," Della said. "Why?" Blayke said. "Mommy was a little worried about your Uncle Donald leaving for a little while," Della said. "When is Uncle Donald leaving?" Blayke asked. "He's leaving in two days," Della said. Della heard Duckworth walking by her room. 

"Duckworth, do you mind to put Blayke in in her crib for a nap?" Della asked. "Anything for you, Miss Della," Duckworth said. Della handed Blayke over to Duckworth. Duckworth walked in the direction of Blayke's room. Della laid down on her bed and closed her eyes for what seemed like a few minutes. Everything she had told Blayke was true. She didn't get much sleep last night because she was worried about Donald going into the navy. She didn't know how to tell that to a one year old child. 

She woke up to Scrooge waking her up. "Della, wake up," he said. "Huh? What?" she said, opening her eyes and sitting up in her bed. "It's time for dinner," he said. "Oh," she said. "You were pretty out of it when I came in here. Are you feeling alright?" he said. "Yeah, I'm feeling alright," she said. She got up and they went down to the dining room for dinner. Donald was sitting there trying to get Blayke to eat something. 

She sat down at the table. "I have something important to tell you," Della said. "What is it?" Donald said. "I'm pregnant again," she said. "What?" Donald said. "You have this wee one who's barely eighteen months old," Scrooge said. "I can handle it," she said. "Are you sure?" Donald said. "I don't want you to worry about me Donald, I'm sure that Uncle Scrooge, Duckworth and I can handle Blayke while I'm pregnant with triplets and while you're gone," she said. "You're having triplets?" Donald said. "Yeah," she said. "Bless me bagpipes," Scrooge said. She was about to become a mother of four kids. 

That night, Della put Blayke down in her crib. "Della," Donald said. "I came to help you put Blayke to bed but I see you've got that covered," Donald said. "She's not asleep yet, you can tell her good night yourself," Della said. Donald waked into the room and saw his niece. Della followed Donald over to the crib. She reached her little arms up to Donald. He picked her up and hugged her. "Night-night Uncle Donald," she said. "Night," he said. He laid her down and tucked her in. "I love you my little duckling," Della said. "I love you mommy," Blayke said. Della and Donald left the room as Blayke fell fast asleep for the night. 

The following morning, Donald woke up. He didn't hear anything. He went to see if Blayke was awake yet. "Hey Blayke," he said, walking into her room. "Uncle Donald," Blayke said. He picked her up and sat down with her in his lap. "Did your mommy tell you that I was going away for a little while," he asked. "Yes, she did," Blayke said. "Can you promise me something," he asked her. "Yes," she said. "Can you promise me not to cause any trouble for your mommy, Uncle Scrooge and Duckworth while I'm gone," he said. "I pwomise Uncle Donald," she said. "That's a good girl," he said. he stood up and went downstairs with her. He decided to take care of her this morning while Della got a little extra sleep. He didn't mind to take care of Blayke. He loved to take care of Blayke when he could. He saw that she looked exactly like Della. Della looked like she had a mini twin. They were all happy for Della. She came so far in her life. 

He met Scrooge in the dining room. "Morning Donald," Scrooge said. "Uncle Scrooge," Blayke said. "Morning Blayke," Scrooge said. Scrooge took Blayke into his arms and saw her down in his lap. "Is Della still asleep?" Scrooge said. "Yeah. She must be exhausted," Donald said. "I remember when your mother was pregnant with you and your sister," Scrooge said. "Really?" Donald said. "Your mother was grumpy, she was tired, and when she got to her ninth month, she wanted you two out," Scrooge said. "That I believe," Donald said. "She was in labor for seventy-two hours before you two were born," Scrooge said. "Yeah. When Della had Blayke, she was in labor for twenty-four hours," Donald said. 

Della soon woke up. She got up and went downstairs. She saw Donald in the living room with Blayke. "Mommy," Blayke said. "Hi Blayke," Della said. Blayke ran over to Della and hugged Della's leg. Donald came over and picked Blayke up up and passed her over to Della. Della accepted her daughter into her arms with a smile. Blayke also smiled. Della started to tickle Blayke and Blayke started laughing and Della also started laughing. 

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