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Blaire ran out of the office. She couldn't and take the emotions anymore. She had to just walk away from Scrooge before she got angry with him. She ran into the room that her parents were in for the weekend. Her eyes were blurred by hot tears and she didn't see what room she ran into. Her parents were concerned by her behavior. 

"Blaire, what's going on?" Hortense asked her daughter. "It's Uncle Scrooge," Blaire said. "Well, what's wrong?" Quackmore said. "I can't stay here if him and I can't get along for two days," Blaire said. Blaire was now actually crying. Hortense went and hugged Blaire. Blaire just hugged Hortense back and cried. "Do you want to talk about what's bugging you with Uncle Scrooge?" Quackmore asked. "Quackmore," Hortense said. "I don't know what I did to him to make him kick me out," Blaire said. "Someone should talk to him about it," Quackmore said. "I'll do it," Hortense said. "No mom. I'll do it. But I can't do it tonight. I'm too emotionally exhausted," Blaire said. "Alright, get some rest tonight," Hortense said. Blaire went to get some rest as her mother told her to do. Hortense felt bad for her daughter. 

Hortense laid down next to her husband. "It'll be okay Hortense. She's your daughter after all," Quackmore said. "She's your daughter too," she said. "No we had Donald and Della together. You already had Blaire when we met. Remember when she was born?" he said. "Oh yeah. Now I remember," she said. There was a moment of silence. Hortense cuddled up next to Quackmore. "You helped me raise her since she was three years old," she said. "True," he said. They went to sleep but they didn't sleep that well. They were too worried about Blaire. Blaire needed to work things out with Scrooge. Blaire needed to do that on her own because she was an adult. Hortense knew that Blaire could take care of herself. It was fair enough for Hortense to stay out of the problem between Scrooge and Blaire. The two of them were so stubborn and hotheaded. That made it hard for them to get along with one another. 

The following morning, Hortense woke up early. She saw Quackmore still asleep. She slipped out of bed and went to get dressed. Once she was dressed, she quickly slipped out of the room. She went downstairs to find her older brother. She luckily found him in his office without any help. She need him to tell Blaire what she had done to make him kick her out. It wasn't fair for Blaire to be treated like that by him.

"Scrooge, why did you kick Blaire out?" Hortense said. "She was eighteen and going to college. She needed to grow up and not focus on the care of her brother and sister," Scrooge said. "She cares a lot about them. She's their sister," she said. "Half sister to be exact," he said. "She's still their sister and my daughter which makes her your niece," she said, starting to get angry. He started to walk away from her but she grabbed the collar of his coat. "You need to explain this to her," she said. "I'm sorry alright?" he said. "I am not the one that needs to accept your apology. You two need to work this out," she said. "She needs to not get angry with me," he said. "You need to not get angry with her in the first place," she said. She let go of his coat collar and left his office. He gulped as she left his office. He knew that this day would come eventually.

Scrooge eventually got a few minutes to talk to Blaire alone. "Blaire, I just wanted to apologize for how I treated you when you were eighteen," Scrooge said. "So you brought me in here to apologize to me," Blaire said. "I also want to explain why I treated you like that," he said. She started to tear up. "You were eighteen years old and you were in college. I wanted you to focus on your school work. I wanted you to know that the twins were in good hands with me," he said. "I knew that they were in good hands with you but you told me to never come back and that hurt my feelings. I never thought that I would see my brother and sister again," she said. "You can come by and see them anytime you want," he said. "Thanks Uncle Scrooge," she said. She hugged him and he hugged her. They just hugged and he let her cry. He didn't know that she was waiting for him to apologize to her for how he treated her and explain way he treated her that way. He wanted to make things right with her. He knew that she wanted to do the same thing. The apology was long over due for the both of them. 

My version of Duck Tales.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang