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April came around and she had gone into labor. She was about to get three more kids. She wasn't scared like when she had Blayke. She was two days early with going into labor. She knew that her kids couldn't wait to be in the world. They wanted to be in the world as soon as possible. She couldn't wait to get the triplets to be here in the world. 

Della was walking around the hospital room that she was put into. She was never in so much pain before. Not even when she had Blayke, she was never in this amount of pain before. She knew that she was having triplets, but she didn't care. She just wanted the pain medication. "Uncle Scrooge, I can't do this anymore. I can't take the pain anymore," she said and a contraction hit her hard. She leaned up against him and moaned in pain. "The triplets will be here soon," he said. He held her to make sure that she wouldn't fall and hurt herself or any of the triplets. "Why don't you get back in bed?" he suggested. "It hurts to lay down," she said. The doctor came in and told her to lay down so she could go to labor and delivery to have the triplets. She got everything that she needed before she went into labor and delivery. Scrooge went in with her as for a hand to hold. Della was ready to meet the boys. She wanted to meet her babies. She wanted to take care of them. She had taken care of them very well so far. 

Donald came into her room after she had the triplets. "Hey Della," he said, trying to be as quiet as possible. "Three perfectly healthy baby boys," Della said. She was holding all three triplets in her arms. "What do you want to name them?" Scrooge asked. "Well, I was thinking Jet, Turbo, and Rebel," she said. "Are you sure Della?" Donald said. "Fine, we'll go with the names that you picked," Della said. "Hubert, Dewford, and Llewellyn," Donald said. "But for short we'll call them Huey, Dewey, and Louie," Della said. 

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