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Della was awake late one night trying to get Huey to go to sleep. "Della is Huey still awake?" Donald said. "Yeah, he is," Della said. "He's not screaming anymore so that's good," he said. "Yeah, I'm afraid that he might be sick," she said. "Yeah, don't the boys have a doctor's appointment in the morning?" he said. "Yeah," she said. Huey started to whimper. "Oh Huey, please don't cry," she said, picking her son up. She sat in the rocking chair and started to gently rock Huey to sleep. Huey was soon asleep. Once Huey was asleep, she put him down in his crib. He didn't wake up for the rest of the night. She was glad that her other three kids did not wake up for the rest of the night. 

The next morning, Della woke up to the screaming of the triplets. She jumped out of bed and ran to the boys' room. She saw Scrooge and Donald already in there trying to soothe the boys. The boys were still screaming. "Morning," Della said. "Morning," Donald and Scrooge both said in unison. Della took Dewey out of Donald's arms. Dewey started to quiet down a little. As Dewey quieted down, so did the other two. Della got the boys ready to go to the doctor's. She got a little help from Scrooge and Donald. She accepted the help that she knew that she needed. She was a tired mom of four kids. All four of her kids were under four years old. She didn't really care about the tiny age difference between Blayke and the triplets. She loved her kids anyway. 

Della soon took the triplets to the doctor. They just each had a cold. Della knew exactly what to do, She was going to ask her family for help. She needed help from her family. Her family helped her take care of Blayke when she was sick. It wasn't easy to take care of four kids that were so young. Della was young herself. Her parents didn't even know and she wanted to just tell that that they have grandchildren. She wanted to tell them about her kids. She knew that she could go to someone to help her with telling her parents. Well she could ask three people to help her with that. She didn't want to worry about that right now though. She just wanted to take care of her kids right now. 

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