19 - Learning

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"Sure, I'll give it a try," you say. Lusaka grins happily.

"Alright, come with me!" she says. You follow her into the forest, then she stops, crouches, and moves to the side, beckoning you forward. She silently points to a figure up ahead, a small Ratatta. You nod, and wiggle your butt as you prepare to leap, but as soon as you jump, the purple mouse runs off.

You return to Lusaka, empty-pawed, somewhat disappointed, but she gently pats your head.

"Don't worry, it's rare to catch something on the first try. Let's try again."

So, you go off into another part of the woods and find another Ratatta. Before you begin your pounce, Lusaka presses down your butt, which was sticking up in the air again. You make a mental note to keep your butt down next time, and make your leap. You catch the Ratatta's tail, but it slips away easily. You blush with disappointment, but Lusaka approaches you with happiness. 

"Good job! Even I wasn't that close my second try!" That made you feel better.

You find one more Ratatta. It's much larger than the other ones, almost as large as you. You crouch completely, and pounce on its back. You have to dig your claws into the ground to keep it from escaping you. Dumbfounded, you stare at it a moment, not having expected to get this far. Luckily, Lusaka bounds up and quickly kills it for you, gently nuzzling your cheek.

"Good job! This is a nice one!"

So, you take it back home, and Lusaka lights the fire, and the two of you happily eat.

Your ears prick as you hear something thud into the soil nearby. You look into the trees and catch a glimpse of blue darting away, then follow where you heard the thud come from. You look down to see a strange blue gem, sitting in the dirt near the fire. Lusaka paws it closer to her to inspect it, then her ears rise. 

"This... is an Evolution stone... if you touch it, you'll become a Vaporeon... like London..."

You shudder slightly. "Why would I do that?"

Lusaka tilts her head slightly... "Well... with a Vaporeon and a Flareon working together... we could be easily safe from any threats," she says softly. You stare at the stone for a moment, then reach out and grab it...


And so you became a Vaporeon and lived with her.

This is the end for this part of the story... for now...

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