9 - One of our own

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Jan carries you through the forest, in the opposite direction from where Lusaka went. 

"Uh... Jan? Please put me down," you say. The response is a voice in your head.

[Nope! If Lusaka's gonna leave a youngster like you alone, she doesn't get to have children. Remember where you would have been if I had left you there? You'd have been Zoroark food!]

You are stunned into silence, both by the craziness of how she spoke in your head, as well as the truth to what she had said. If you had obeyed Lusaka, and this "Umbreon" had not been there to save you, you would be presently experiencing a very unpleasant and tragic death...

But you still have some curiosity, and just before you ask another question about where you are headed, you arrive at a place that could only be where you were headed. Jan pads into a small den set into a hill, at least by appearance from outside. Inside, the den is positively cavernous, and lit by some unknown source. You can see another creature similar in appearance to Jan, but with lighter fur and yellow rings instead of blue. You also see two massive creatures, nearly twice as big as Lusaka, one pink and white with strange tentacles or something, and one purple, playfully wrestling. In a corner is an incredibly long creature, not like Lusaka or any of the others at all, wrapped around... Eevees! Many other Eevees like yourself...

Jan pads over to the other Umbreon and nuzzles him after gently setting you at his paws. Looking up at the two of them from this close, it's apparent that the new Umbreon is closer to Lusaka's size, possibly smaller. He bends his head down to sniff you.

"Hello there," he purrs, gently nuzzling you. "Don't worry, this place is safe..."

You smile, and nod, but do you believe him? For all you know, those other Eevees are probably kidnapped too...


If you want to run now, go to "10." If you'd rather wait until nightfall, choose "11." If you trust these people, go to "16."

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