14 - On your own

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You look down for a moment, then back up at them. "I'll go out on my own," you say. Both of them look somewhat distraught.

"You remember how I found you?" Proto asks. "I thought you were chow. You were lucky I didn't eat ya then... how lucky do you think you'll be?"

"I'll be fine," you reassure. The two aren't so convinced, but they don't argue. Cluj gives you a tight hug and a small pouch full of berries, and Proto pats you on the head, and you set off.

You don't know where you're going. To find a way back to your human life? To try and see if Lusaka really is dead? Who knows...

You decide to climb a tree. Getting some altitude might help you navigate better, grasp your surroundings and get a lay of the land. You find a sturdy maple. Looking at your paws, you can see the little claws at the tips of each digit, and sure enough, when you try to extend them, they come out a little bit. You then deploy all of your claws and begin climbing up the tree.

This is a lot harder than you expected when you started, so halfway up, you climb onto a branch to rest. Then you realise that you aren't alone. Another Lusaka-like creature is on the branch. Its fur is light tan, and its paws are dark brown with green tufts. Its tail and ears are leaves. Its back is to you, but when it turns its head, you can see a tuft of green shaped into a sort of question mark. You can also see a jagged yellow tail in its mouth, until it apparently swallows whatever creature was attached to said tail. The look this guy is giving you is not exactly one that gives you warm, fuzzy feelings...

"What? What's an Eevee doing up here?" he asks. You open your mouth to speak, but then you glance downward... oh boi. You start to shudder. You feel unnatural being up this high, and this creepy leaf creature is not making you feel any better. Your vision goes blurry, and you feel yourself beginning to topple...


You may continue to [17].

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