13 - Back to Bree

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You bow your head, feeling guilt at having run out on Jan and her family. "I should go back to them," you mumble.

Cluj cocks his head to the side. "Back to who?" he asks.

"To Jan... and her family... I shouldn't have left," you mumble. Cluj's eyes widen slightly. 

"Oh... I know them... I'll take you," he says. The Obstagoon stands, carrying you in an arm, then quickly dashes back to where the family made their den. He gently sets you at the entrance, stooping down to quickly nuzzle you.

"We'll always be around, Proto and I, if you wanna... y'know, come and visit," he says. You nod, then descend down into the den...

Within, the Umbreons are huddled together, sorrowful for having lost you and blaming themselves. Then Jan looks up and sees you, and joy crosses her grief-stricken face. She bounds up and hugs you tightly, as if it were one of her own children that had just come back home, and not a stranger at all...


And so you were raised as one of their own children.

This is the end for this part of the story... for now...

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