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Izaya is released today! Since that day I had seen him I had a fire within me, I needed him back. I'm finally going to see his cunning smirk and raven black hair. His slender and toned body holding me once again. I sat in an old plastic blue chair in the waiting room of the prison, intently l watching the doorway from which he would enter. I imagined it in my head for the hundredth time, his mahogany eyes scanning the room as he quietly turns the corner. His slender body weaving through the seats to pull me into his toned arms and for his smirking lips to whisper into my ear.

I no longer needed him, I craved him and his mischief. I ached for him so badly that I often found myself mimicking his stalker behaviour to pass time when I was alone. I had crafted myself into a perfect match for him.

I sat there nervously for another half an hour, staring at the dark corridor and fidgeting while tapping my foot. I heard footsteps and it seemed like a million years before he finally turned the corner, I watched his eyes fix onto me and I couldn't hold back any longer, it took me 3 ling strides for me to reach him, my arms wrapping around his strong frame, and his snaking around my waist. It felt so right. I would never let this man out of my sight again.

We collected things and signed papers and left in a hurry, he pulled me along, hand in hand weaving through the crowds in a hurry. I didn't care where he took me, it felt like dream and I felt weightless. Together we ran up the fire escape stairs of the tallest building in Ikebukuro. When we reached the top we leaned on each other to catch our breath and kissed, we went to the edge and spread our arms out as if we were flying and in that moment everything was perfect. With the wind flowing through our hair it felt like we were flying, with the whole world beneath us. We we're the king and queen, standing over our nation of ants giddy with freedom and power. We spent hours shouting over the wind sat on the edge of the building. We made promises, we cried and we made plans for the future. He asked me to marry him, and continue to cause all sorts of havoc together for the rest of our years through the good and the bad. I screamed yes with tears of happiness streaming down my face. I knew he was the one, that we were bound together by something more than a ring. I don't believe in fate or destiny, or even happy endings, but I knew that I couldn't have found a more exciting and interesting person than the one that held me right now; and I was thankful for everything that led me to him.

Hmm so I guess that's... the end? I like writing this story occasionally so I will continue to do little random scenes from their life after this and I don't care what you say there will never be any children. Anyway on a side note, I've been kinda into Tokyo Ghoul recently and 1. Go check out leon_kara 's story 'The pink eyeball' because it's sooo good and I am in love with Uta. 2. I'm tempted to write a fan fiction for Uta. What do you think?

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