a sweater that may be too small (X-MAS special!)

280 9 3

Third person POV

The days stretched longer and longer, it's strange how the anti-void works

You and Error started to get to know each other, day by day.
It's barely noticeable that the both of you bonded even with the drastic measures.

Currently your back lay on the hard cold surface of the anti-void while your face stared into the white abyss, is this place truly this empty and endless?
Error on the other hand, was knitting away to what looks like a unicorn barf sweater, well you don't really know, Error's been keeping it out your view, and every time you try sneak a peek he shuffles away.

Time passed a little bit longer and Error finally removed his gaze from his fabric, he quickly suffer it in his scarf pocket before meeting your presence.

"Hey, do you wanna head out of here?"


"A change of scenery would be nice right?"

'yeah, what about Sans?'

"Oh right, almost forgot about him,....... Well he doesn't have eyes everywhere, we'll just sneak around"

You softly smiled and nodded, you grabbed a jacket that you made yourself since the other one smells of impasta.
The both of you moved away from the clearing where Error made his portal, once opening you see a different change of scenery.
It was still Snowdin, but looked more like the alleyway entrances, and slightly to the right you could see the back of Grillbys.

Error walked through first and you followed right behind, your still shaken by the incident before.

Error offered to lock arms with you in order to stay close, you gladly accepted.

The both of you moved around the alleyways for some time, making absolutely sure Sans wasn't around.

"Sans should be around hotland about now, k snow, let's go" Error said now leading you out the alleyway.

While looking around you could see that the town was decorated with more festive lights and weedery just like the skeleton brothers home, to be truthful, you don't know alot about Christmas, well actually, not at all, you just know what Christmas lights are.

Many of the monsters gathered around the centre of the town which was a lovely decorated tree with wrapped boxes under it, everyone looked very happy, other than a wierd looking monster that you could only describe as a deer with loads of Christmas lights wrapped all around thier horns.

While you were soaking in all of the new surrounding landscape with wide eyes, Error was staring at your unique features, how your (H/C) and (E/C) shined with the various lights, your pale (SK/C skin colour) was sprinkled with the golden fractures made you look even more unique, even if you were transparent your features were still visible to those who cared to look.
And the only one who looked was Error.

A soft yellow hue grew on Error's cheekbones, but Error didn't care, he wouldn't take a moment away to see you, just the way you are.

Once you were done inspecting your new surroundings you turned your attention back to Error who still had a yellow hue.
His now white pinpricks were filled with an unfamiliar emotion,one you barely have ever seen, his permanent smile was softer than most and now that his blue lined stains that once over his cheekbones were gone, you could clearly see more of his blush, Error's hot breath over your skin that overpowered the cold around made you, yourself blush.

"I want to show you somewhere special" Error said, his voice ever so much softer with a tune that made your spine shiver.

Error took your hand in a firm gentle grip and began guiding you to Snowdins forest.
Holding Errors hand once again made you blush deeply, you never remember having such kindness and delicate affection, so this made you blush even more.

Error's final FrontierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora