prologue part two

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⚠️TW Gore, Swearing⚠️

"Move it trash bag, unless you want them finding us"

"Says the compost that's on me and not helping me with these heavy as Asgore boxes"

Currently, flowey and Sans was within the cores control center, also known as Alphis' lab. The large screen behind them projecting the now dusted, Undyne the undying, with nothing besides her armour, dust and single illuminating spear.
Sans was moving away large boxes filled with old books and some, rather sticky manga boxes which Sans couldn't help but grimace at.

"Well in my defense, when I'm not in anyway durable in no soil, and if you have forgotten, Hotland has no fertile soil for shit to grow, so like it or not, you got to lift most of the boxes out the way." Flowey spat back, his gaze switchig from the sceen, boxes to their desired destination, which was hidden under all these boxes for quite a few years.
Moments passed when the skeleton in blue finally made a path to what was an old, rusted elevator, with faded out yellow tape and a handwritten warning in red reading "Out of order"

Sans seemed ticked off by this, seeing that the flower had only wasted his time moving boxes to a broken elevator.
"nows the time to deliver the punchline" He huffed, watching as the weed stemmed himself outwards to the elevators opening button, face morphing when he saw the rusted iron doors creak open.

Stepping into the questionably untrustworthy piece of machinery, studying the floor buttons, Sans noticed it had the same number of floors as any other elevator.
He gave a scowl to flowey, who only replied with an eyeroll and the tracing of a seemingly simple rust hole, vine turning to a complex lump he wriggled in the hole, turning it with some force and revealing it was a keyhole.
Out emerged a single red button, being the only thing with that much luminous glow, Sans hesitantly pressed it after the bee attracting weed beckoned him to do so.

The elevator shook and creaked, doors closing with a spine chilling scream, followed by the flashing of red lights and barricades on the entrance as well. The feeling of descending at a fast rate did not come subtle, infact, it felt as if they were falling but with their feet glued to the ground.

The drawback when they had stopped was disorienting, with a hint of nausea, Sans holding at the walls to regain even a hint of steadiness while Flowey felt like releasing sick. Moments later, the two regained and collected themselves with Flowey dropping off from Sans' shoulder and into the crevices in the floor.

Without the red light from the elevator, the area was consumed in complete darkness. Only with the acception of fairly dimmed rims of light from rooms and faded light glass.

"What is this place?" Sans questioned, stepping out from the machine while squinting his pricks for eyes.
Flowey gave a low chuckle, weeding his way deeper into the darkness.

"Wingdings true lab"

乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ

Minutes passed, the threading of halls to rooms seemed endless, Sans felt like the plant was just leading him through circles, though he held his nonexistent tongue since he noticed the plant having unease in its movement.
Past rows of liquid filled tubes and stained beds, through cells and experimental rooms, they had finally reached a room with nothing but burnt books, blueprints, a steel table and a shelf with broken luminescent vials, the liquid within seeming to drip out endlessly and with a tar like thickness.

While Sans was studying the room around him, Flowey had pushed away all the vials, except one. Glowing a strong crimson, it brightened more once Flowey had wrapped his vines around it.
Flowery didn't hesitate to drop back onto the floor and to the table, catching Sans' attention quickly.

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