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I didn't mean to leave this book behind!
I almost lost inspiration to do anything but I finally did it!

Be warned this chapter is the second to last! Please vote at the end for your choice, cause it will definitely change the ending, I'll come back to check the votes when I can.
Im sorry again!
Now I hope you enjoy!
Your POV (finally!)

I raise my heavy eyelids, it was blurry and hard to adjust to the bright surroundings, I chose to lift my body from the cold hard ground, I pull my glasses off the ground, lazily slipping them to the bridge of my nose, securing it in place before looking around.
I realised I was still in the anti-void, meaning much to my dismay, all of that was a dream.
I've been having alot of those dreams lately..... With me and Error.
It feels so comforting in his embrace with soft loving kisses and sweet gestures, in my dreams I mean.
And everytime I wake, I feel almost hesitant to accept what it is.

I shake my head, ridding my thoughts, I clutched tighter to the black fabric, and began moving my head to find Error, not moving myself from my spot.



I have noticed Error has been a bit off, one moment he's comforting me, the next he disappears.
But he always came back.

The white stains on Error's bones still continued to grow, till the point his blue tear like streaks were almost unseen.
His glitchy voice seemed less static and jittery and more clear.
Strange isn't it.
But he still tends to have "crashes" or "reboots" as he likes to call him, but alot more painful for him, I do try my best to sooth him when I can.

Me on the other hand, I've been growing more tired by the day, sleeping more, eating less, the golden fractures that dragged across my sk/c flesh were deeper and almost painful to touch, till the point I can no longer walk without assistance...

I let out a breathy sigh that echoed through the mass, turning my view to the multitude of different dolls that decorated the floor, Error said they are every alternate"him" that he encountered, I never really payed much attention to them, only when I stopped moving about did I finally take notice to the neatly stitched dolls.
Sometimes I feel as if some go missing from the floor, but I guess it's just Error moving them for space.

I pick up one that was closest to me, a doll with a Mohawk frill and wing-like ears, it had two different coloured buttons, one violet, the other ash grey, on the right side of its fabric face was a crack like feature, and the other side was a violet scar, it had ink black wings and a strange looking tail.
'odd' I thought before placing it gently on the floor, I always feel they are somewhat alive.

'I wonder when Error is coming back' I thought.

"Oh don't worry, he will come~" a dark voice said, sending chills down my spine in an unpleasant way.
I whipped my head to the opposite direction to see a dark figure looming over me, dripping black tar like substances on the white floor, tentacle like goo lay slowly swaying behind him, but attached to his back, his grin was evil, much more evil that what you have ever seen from Error, he looked like Error or Sans, but definitely was not him, behind him were three skeletons, but before you could inspect more one of the black figures tentacles wrapped tightly around my neck, ripping me from the floor letting the black blanket fall to the floor as I was suspended into the air, feet no longer touching the floor, my hands tried to pry its grip on my neck but I was far too weak.
I was flooded in a feeling of fear, in which the figure looked at if he were feeding off of it.
His grin was wide and sharp.
The other three figures now stood next to him, but by now my glasses fell to the floor shattering on impact, leaving me to view in fogged glass.

Error's POV.

I was currently in Undertales waterfall, thinking, I've been having dreams lately...... Ones I wish would come true, I've also taken notice of how y/n was, they were getting weaker by every chance they used their ability on me.
In which I felt dreadful, my peace for her suffering.... I hated that.
That's one of the reasons I tend to leave them along, along....... Other stuff that kept making my soul flood with the same emotion.

I stared into the streaming water, getting a view of my appearance, it that truly me that I see there?
"I don't know anyone" I softly sighed.
Y/n should be up about now, maybe....
Maybe I could tell y/n what I feel for them?
My cheekbones grew hot at the thought, filling me with that same emotion.

I looked to a echo flower, the same one Snow first saw.
My smile grew, I cupped it to my mouth and began to whisper to it the message I want Snow to hear before gently plucking it from the ground.

I huffed to myself and opened the portal back.
But I never knew of what had to be done next.

Third person POV.
As Error opened the portal he saw your poor figure suspended in the air, gasping for what air you had left as the embodiment of negativity himself stood there, hurting you, killing you, Error didn't have time to question how Nightmare and his followers came to be, he dropped the echo flower to the floor and without any hesitation he summoned a spear like bone to the same tentacle that was strangling you.

Piercing right through and dropping you to the ground, your body like glass thudding to the floor in a fluid motion, Errors soul swelled in anger, teleporting to your side, but before he could ask if you were ok, a beam was summoned to the both of you, Error shoved you to one side as he went the other, successfully dodging the attack.......

The moment the smoke cleared Nightmare once again had a hold to you, the other followers aiming their blasters at you the moment Error readied his attacks.

"Tsk, think again, Error" nightmare said, a evil grin growing sharper with every opportunity.
Error for once in his life felt fear of death, but this time, was not for him.
Error played a plan in his head for possible ways in order to save you, but Nightmare tightened his grip to your neck making you scream in utter pain.
Error hesitantly lowered his attacks, obeying Nightmares command with a anger filled expression.

"What do you want with y/n?" Error said with poison, Nightmare chuckled.
"You have become such a week pest since you met this human, it truly is hilarious!"

"Answer. My. Question."

"Oh suddenly got a bark on you? What I want is a deal of sorts"

"I'm not doing any deal with you"

"Funny how you think that it includes you, you are far too weak, but I can still make use of you once I remove the influence of this disgusting human"

".... Then who are you making a deal with." Error questioned, still with hatred in his voice as he knew he was helpless to the situation.

"Them.." Nightmare simply said, looking beyond....

At you... The reader.

" I know exactly what you are capable of, so, I want to make a proposition, I kill your so called love to be, allowing you to continue in your own world, or I kill this husk you see yourself as... Y/n... And I allow Error to have his choice of joining me and continuing our lives as if this book you now read never existed or him returning his code back to were he belongs... No other choices or I'll kill you both" Nightmare said. You felt as if a dread was eating at you.
While Error was almost about to collapse.

" Your choice reader" he said one last time before your vision darkened, placing you in a dark room with two buttons glowing gold with your choice....




It's your choice reader......


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