Prologue part three

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Sans POV:

Time wasted away from me, I don't know were I am, but I sure know that it wasn't the void.

There's nothing here, besides me.
It's silent, I can only hear the deffning sound of my own breathing.
I'm surrounded by this world that seem to have no end, I tried everything. . .
I slept and slept.
I cried till I couldn't.
But worse of all.
I screamed and screamed and screamed, till eventually, the screams came back, deffning.

I don't know how long I've been here, I don't. . . Know why I'm here.
I can't help but feel that I should be remember something, what's my name? Is there anyone else? Why am I trapped?

I can't help but feel angry, it's a horrible feeling, I hate it.
I feel alone.
Am I the only thing that exists?

I hug myself pulling my legs close to my ribcage, laying my head between my knees.
I cry more, it hurts, but still I continue to cry.
It hurts so much.


Can't I see anything?

                             ((((((Time skip))))))

It feels like eternity, voices started talking to me, yet there isn't anyone here.
They accompanied me, and sometimes giving me gifts, I can't tell how many there are, but I know it's many.

I found a way to see out of my 'world' I still can't wrap my head around how I can do it, but I can!

Some seemed so happy and kind, while others were harsh and painful.
I feel rather fond of someone that I see multiple times throughout each world, they don't seem to change very much, they still keep this loud up beat tone to their voice, and after a while I picked out their name.


I feel an attachment to them, as if he were my own blood.

After more searching.
I found out things that a rather similar looking skeleton to me (or at least I think they are) called genocides

I truly hate them...

The killing, the slaughter.

It seemed to pleasure the ones that could RESET


after a while longer.

I finally just broke.

And before I knew it.
I was in another world.

______Time skip_______

I have stayed here for about three days?

I haven't seen anyone, but the surroundings were a hell of a lot more humble.
The sky never seemed to show a sun, I was quite confused since how did light come in?
The ground covered in cold yet soft cover that I assume to be snow.
Trees all around with a path clearing through, at a distance there was a bridge, it seemed to be a trap but the bars were just too wide, there always seemed to be dense fog around, which gave an eery ghost like atmosphere, and opposite to the path that led to the bridge was a large violet coloured door, it had a load of markings,but one seemed to be more of focus was a crest.

I've been talking to a old sweet lady behind the door, I've never seen her, but she had a soft voice to her, which I enjoyed.
We would talk hours on end without ever stoping, she seemed to love my jokes. (which I caught from the other worlds)
But she would sometimes worry.
I don't know why.
But she kept saying these two questions.
"Are you sleeping much" which I felt troubled by saying that my voice was often 'static'.
The other
"Have you forgotten the talks we had?"
This also made me feel troubled, I knew what she was talking about since there would also be another, I couldn't put my finger on it, but they seemed quite transeparrent, you could say-
I could see right through him.

(Another time skip cause why not)

It's been over a week now, and the 'other'
(A/N other as in 'other sans') has been talking more frequently to the door lady.
He keeps rambling about a "dangerous person"
I can't help but feel that sentence was about me.
I know I didn't truly belong here, but still it angered me.

One day when I went to talk to the door lady, I was shocked to hear her words.

"Sans... C-can you promise me something?"

That question sunk quite deep into my soul, I shrugged it off and replied

"C-c-could you p. . . Please promise, to keep my child safe?"

It crawled deeper into my soul, guilt crept down my spine, her question was meant to be asked by the 'other'.

For some reason, all I could see was black, glitching, I was shaking yet I couldn't move, unholy sounds crept into my ears.


And before I knew it.
The door lady came out the door, she seemed shocked to see me, she knew I was not the Sans she was looking for.
Then everything went so quickly.





Loud sounds.






I could not see anything, besides the burning hatred of my soul.
And fear from the others.


Feels good

The dust and blood dripping down my skeletal hands.

It was beyond words.

I feel such power and strength.

I needed more.

LV: 2


I must have more.

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