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(I had to republish it)

Errors POV

a bright (F/C) flash illuminated the world around me,I couldn't see nothing besides that,the light burned but not in a way like a fire,it felt welcoming against my bones,is this what death feels like?

I can no longer feel the tight grip of my strings around me,the light lasted quite a long time before fading into the colour I know best.

Dolls covered the non-existant floor for miles ahead, soul fragments cracked and shattered showing slight colour to the endless white abyss.
It took a moment to realise that I wasn't dead,this made my already livid soul more angry.

I tried summoning my strings again but it was quite unsuccessful, I forgot that I used so much of my energy on myself that I can barely stand on my cut, bleeding legs,I collapsed into myself and cried into my scarf,my whole body aches the cut were deep and blood slowly oozed from my marrow, it hurt like hell but the pain doesn't begin to challenge the failure I felt,I hate this feeling,I wish I could just end it right now.

I lay there my knees on the floor bent over and my face into my scarf,I couldn't stop sobbing and before I knew it, I was in the middle of a reboot,the sounds hurt my non-existant ears and hurts like a mother fucker.
I can't move or see anything,I began to feel somewhat calmer,but what I heard next was truly impossible,I heard footsteps come towards me.
I couldn't move or see who it was 'fuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkk'

Your POV

My soul hurt like alot,the light didn't fade for minutes,the air was still and no sound came,it scared me in ways like a dark basement in a horror movie,the bright white didn't stop that feeling.
The light cleared and just afew steps away was a dark black and blue figure,I could hear sobs originating from them,I couldn't see well, then out of nowhere a static sort of sound filled the endless world.
I started to walk forward not really noticing the small dolls that made the floor uneven,they flinched by the sound of my footsteps,they still refused to move and the static began to shriek louder,I held my head and covered my ears,the sound was so dreaded that it crawled up my spine,the sound started to fade off and I looked down at the figure,they began to stand up and turned towards me,I still couldn't see very well the details on them,but I did know where the face was,or at least I think so, their eyes were such a bright red it could be used as a nightlight,their skin was jet black and down their cheeks were lines of neon blue,words floated around him along with particles that moved quite fast around their body.
I could sense dread pain and anger on them,but also I could sense sadness and regret deeper in their shell.

It was silent for quite sometime before I began to move closer trying my efforts to see them closer,they began stepping backwards for every step I took,their breathing quickened and was trying in some efforts to pull something from his eyes,they failed on their attempt and fear rose in the atmosphere,I couldn't help but notice them limping and thus gave me the thought they were hurt.
This action continued for about five minutes before I could sum up the courage to say something.

"I-I w-w-wont hu-r-t yo-u"

My voice felt soft yet rigid,I haven't spoke for what seemed like eternity,so bringing words to my mouth was quite a challenge.

They didn't respond so I guessed they didn't hear me.

"I w-w-w-wo-nt-t Hu-r-r-t you"

My voice barely slipping out my mouth this time,they froze allowing me to move one step closer till I froze. They had no eyes or hair and it was quite obvious that it was a skeleton,I think? They don't seem like one,their bones were black while his arms and legs were red,the same red as his sockets, his sockets held two uneven lights that glowed yellow,which I can only assume were his eyes,his clothes seemed to be hand stitched together, because I could clearly see the bright blue thread on his jacket, strange enough the same colour as his tear stained cheeks.he seemed male but I couldn't tell because of the lack of 'features'
Their particles and words were clear the words spelt 'ERROR' several times around his body and the particles seemed like glitches orbiting around his body.
He begins to sweat as I look at all his features from head to toe.
Then I noticed blood dripping down, deep wounds causing the blood,I looked behind me and saw a trail that followed the path to him,I didn't notice till now how much blood he lost, he's shaking because of it,before I could do anything further,he passed out,falling onto the floor now covered in dolls and a small pool of blood,I froze before kneeling down to him,he was weak and in a hell of a lot of pain,I removed the dolls underneath him and chucked them to one side,my hands start to shake once I saw the wounds closer,how is he still alive?

I couldn't find anything sort of chair bed or other furniture in my sight of view, but of course I can barely see three feet infront of me,I took his scarf and jacket to use as a pillow under his head,I also pulled off his socks with sandles (I cringe) along with his shirt, exposed ribs and spine made a gag reflex,but still I kept my composure,the wounds stretched far across his body that it seems it'll be permanent on his bones,his temperature was high and his chest or I guess ribs moved fast which I assume means fast heart rate? (I'm so confused) I brush off feeling and examined him one last time.

I lifted my hands placing one on his skull while the other on his chest,I promised to never use this,but I can't just let someone die if I know too well that I can help,apon touching this bones they were somewhat warm and soft,I closed my eyes remembering the wounds and where they were placed, I began thinking of them to heal,that they would stop bleeding.
A faint (F/C) glow appeared,it wasn't too bright but I could see the colour clearly under my closed eyes.

I whispered to myself still trying my best to speak again.

"T. . . . . Th-i-is wo—ont hea-l-l the woun-ds,but. . . . . But th-th-ey will f-f-f-feel bett-tter"

The glow faded again,I let go of the skeleton trying my best to examine the wounds,they still kept bleeding but his heart rate started to stabilize,I took his shirt that lay next to me and pressed it to his neck (where the most damage was done) the blood wouldn't stain the shirt since it was already red,and once I kept the pressure on the wound I let go, leaving the shirt to stay around his neck while I tried my best to remove the scarf from under his head and not wake him,I placed it on his non-existant brow to stop him from sweating then I leaned on my hands arching my spine backwards giving a satisfied click before returning hunched over facing the passed out skeleton.

This is the longest chapter I have ever made
I hope u like what I did >;)
U satisfied?
Have a nice day/night
See ya later potatoes

Error's final FrontierWhere stories live. Discover now