forgotten but will always remember...

322 14 3

As promised....
You guys shall know what the flower Error/Sans was about to gift you said.
Thank you so much for 1.92k reads!!
(I'm so sorry for not posting Wattpad somehow didn't publish it and erased my many attempts, so sorry, but anyway on to what a promised.)
(Maybe there could be a sequel? Who knows)

When Sans entered back at his home after following Paps, he suppressed his urge to break down, to just sink into the floor and shut down, holding the echo flower gently in his pockets. Carefully not touching the petals in fear he would hear his own words.

He changed from his old self, though very confused over how there was another original and he was aswell.
But that is a story for another time.

As Sans arrived home he excused himself from dinner and made his way to his room. Locking it tightly behind him.
Only then did he finally let out. Tears streamed down his eyesockets as his shoulders heaved up and down, although he never made a sound.

Everything came all at once, and Sans had no idea how to deal with it. He was broken, confused and maybe even angry. But the only thing he can do is silently cry to himself until he finally falls asleep......

His room never changed from when he left it, but you would've guessed time fitted him in the first timeline, before all the genocides had started. But the memory of everything still remains, while the proof is non-existant.
Taking the flower and placing it on his desk that lay home to dusty worksheets, blueprints and books. He questioned if any of this was real to begin with?

He dared not to touch it, he couldn't bare the pain that held within it, but he also never had the heart to leave it were it fell.....
Well he never had a heart to begin with, or organs.

He left the flower and plopped himself in his bed, silent tears still steaming from his sockets even after he immediately fell asleep.

But an unknown force touched the petals of the flower.

A soft hum originated from there before speaking what it last heard:

"Snow.................." The voice hesitated.

"You... I....." The voice sighs deeply.

"Your eyes sparkle like the stars, they..... They see things that others would not dare to look, you see through the flaws of others, their sins.... Their past....... And you find what others can never.........."

"You found me..."

"Your smile...."  The voice starts having a  humble grin to his voice. 

"The universe envys something so bright and so very astonishing."

"Your laugh.... It's harmonizing and angelic, it could break down the strongest of mountains and sooth the most horrific of demons.

"Your touch is cold and soft, they  freeze all they come in contact with....  you froze time between us, yet you also thawed the ice within my soul.

"And while you looked ahead with wonder, I looked at you with......" They sigh again.

"How you came, and healed my scars, you forgave my sins, my horrific past, you saw through me with those eyes.... I....."

They become silent.

"Knock knock" the voice asks.

A voice replies to Sans


The hum replies again.

"I love you......... Y/n"

But nobody came



I love you too.

Error's final FrontierWhere stories live. Discover now