the last memory

515 22 3

Y/N pov

I lay on the floor of the one place I knew too well,the same black atmosphere that seemed neverending,it's obvious to see this is my dream state, another world that was all to myself,but without any control over it.
My mind began to wonder, daydreaming almost, memories that had been once so close to me,to just fade off into the abyss,so many questions,so little answers,I can only seem to question my existence and why I'm here,how am I alive? I saw my death,I lived in this same darkness,my soul stopped beating,or was I just asleep? Waiting for the day,the reason to wake up.
This world,this universe is beyond my understanding,but I don't want to understand,I never really cared for that.

The abyss of my mind started echoing familiar voices,ones that once kept me company in this place,the voice,that voice.

It belonged to Error


As I walked through the judgement hall,a sense of both pride and guilt,I have finally found a way to free EVERYONE, Chara, Asriel,Gaster,even the snowman,but it took me countless resets and loads to find this perfect ending.

Guilt was because I caused many other timelines to become genocide,that only Sans remembers,he saw it all,he killed me countless times,and I killed him many more.

But this time, it'll be my very last reset,and for that,I am truly proud.

"Hey bucko,I guess this is it huh?"

His voice and posture relaxed and comforting, standing right in the middle of the hallway,he seemed truly happy,and that,filled my soul with "##########"

I nodded to his question with pure joy in my face,soon I'll be able to truly give my promise,and no one would ever be in my harm.

"Asgore already broke the barrier, he's just waiting for us"

He moved to the side,arm out pointing to the throne room, "we shouldn't keep em waiting"
My smile grew wider,nodding to his remark one last time.

'this is it,we can finally go home'

As we both walked out the beautiful golden halls,I silently said goodbye to the beautiful underground,and walk forward, following Sans to the throne room.
The golden buttercups that held so much meaning besides just decor lay beautifully around the stone room,two golden thrones lay in the middle of the room,one was taller than the other,while the other was covered it dusty moth bitten cloth,it's exactly how a throne room would be layed out.
It was completely the same, besides one thing.
A black figure lay on the larger throne,his back and legs lay on the armrests,his right hand supporting his head,he seemed almost playful and energetic, swinging a large golden ring around his left index finger,he had a dark energy around him that didn't seem to show great intentions,almost the same energy as genocide Chara,an uneasy atmosphere filled the room,the figure noticed us and stopped playing with the golden ring to show it was Asgores crown,his smile was spine chilling,but no fear came from me,but I could sense it on Sans,Sans moved infront of me ready to begin a fight.
Sans' eye grew a familiar blue flame while the other blackened.
Fear still never came from me,only confusion.
The figure.
His smile was one of a true killer,a true psychopath.
But fear still never came.
My mind went blank, everything around me faded off.

Sans turned to dust right before me.
Still no fear.
His soul shattered before me.
Still no fear.
His dust on my hands.
Still no fear.

Everything just,went blank.
Then the voice came back
That voice,was filled with no mercy or soul,just pure hatred but also some sadness.

But before I could act apon it,my soul got whipped into the grips of the figures hands,with one last remark.

That face. . .


~End of flashback~

I woke up,my back shot off the ground,the emptiness that once rezided within me is now filled with pure fear,it was getting hard to breathe,I began to break into sweat, holding myself in hopes to somewhat calm myself,tears fell and my heart ached,the memory of what happened placed pure fear in my very essence.
'did he kill me?'
'no that can't be,I'm still here,right'
I looked at my hands,I could almost see through them.
My heart began to race,I began having a panic attack.

It was harder to breathe,and I began choking on my sobbing,my eyes began to hurt,fear, thought of death was frightening,so much more so than the killer themselves,Errors face. . . . .
It came flashing back into my mind,that fear was suffucating, drowning me.
Then something hugged me, covering my fear in a welcoming warmth.
I looked over my shoulder and found a black blanket over me and beyond it I saw Error sitting next to me,his left arm wrapped over me, comforting me,his eyes looked away from me,his nature,his energy,all of him showed some sort of sympathy and pain,and emotion that I never saw him freely show,the fear,faded away.

My sobs also faded off replacing it with safety.
If he did kill me,I forgive him.
I held the blanket closer,it was soft and silky,did he make this for me?
I felt kinda flattered that he did that,and before long,I rested my head on his shoulder,he shuttered at my sudden movement,but soon relaxed, rubbing my arm in a comforting way,my breath slowed,but my heart still fluttered,'why am I so flustered around him!?'
His embrace softened,and I grew tired,and soon fell right back to sleep,and luckily this time,it was a dreamless sleep.

"I forgive you for the wrong that you have done"

'wait did I say that aloud? Eh maybe not'

Errors POV



A Lil backstory here

Idk what else to put here soooooooooo

Hope you are enjoying!

*Pulls peace sign and fades into nothing*

Have a nice day/night!!!!!

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