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Your POV

There isn't much I can do, I can only make sure that he doesn't die from shock,blood is still oozing,but atleast it wasn't too harsh as it was before.
He keeps shaking in his sleep,which is normal I guess because of his wounds,it's not long after he's trying to wake up, luckily he can't,I made sure that once his body is atleast able to withstand the shock he'll wake up, he's trying hard though,I don't blame him,my grandmother did the same thing when she was hurt,but because of my weak young nature Id let her wake up,only for her to suffer more,if I can somewhat prevent it from happening to him then he may have a chance to survive,but my soul can only do so much.

There isn't a single thing I could use to cover more of the blood,so I just watch,and hope for the best.

Was he trying to kill himself?

I stay in silence for sometime,the only thing I could hear was the skeletons breathing,it's Peaceful,but for some people this place is a hell.

Was he alone?
Is that it?
No, it can't be.
I sense regret in him.
Why is he regretting?

My mind started thinking for the first time in a long time, asking questions that I can't answer,why am I even worrying?
I guess cause I've always strived to help,to forgive.

He starts moving more,tossing and turning around,he can't heal if he continues like this,I began doing my same actions placing one had on his head while the other on his chest, I imagined him calming, being deep into sleep,to stop moving and relax.

(F/C) dimmed once again,glowing off my hands and soul,I can't see my soul,but I know some of my energy is coming out of it,my eyes remained open to check if it were working,I used quite a portion of my energy to help him,so my efforts were not truly successful,it only helped to keep him still, nothing more,I can still sense that he wants to wake up,it's hard to decide to keep him asleep till all my energy drains,or just allow him to wake up.
My body is shaking.

So I guess I don't really have a choice.

I release my energy off of him and back to myself.

Soon after.

He woke up.

Errors POV

Once the warmth left I wanted nothing more to feel that again,I forgot my pain as if it were never there,but clearly it still is.
I felt that I needed to wake up,but everytime I try a faint (F/C) glows over my soul, temporarily giving my soul the same warmth from before,'why am I so desperate for this feeling of warmth?!' but after a while the warmth began to loose it's energy,like a battery when I use it on a flashlight.
Soon the pain faded back into my bones.
And not long after the similar surroundings crept back into my eye sockets,the pain came back all at once,like a truck slammed full speed into my body,I bite back the scream in my non-existant lungs,black spots crept into my vision causing me to blink afew times before I regain my poor eyesight,the anti-void was never welcoming,but I can make the acceptsion that it's better to be somewhere that I know, my head rested on something soft, along with my neck, I lifted myself to a sitting position, ignoring the pain that is still lingering,I noticed my sandles were off along with my scarf jacket and . . . . . .

And. . . . My sweater?

I looked around whipping my head in all directions,till a saw the same human from before, they were trembling,my face warmed up that it felt like it was boiling,I was in utter shock,I turned in the opposite direction in hopes they don't see my obviously flustered face,my sweater fell off my neck and without hesitation I put it on, hissing when the wooly fabric grazed down my still fresh bleeding wounds.
My back towards them trying my attempts to calm myself,I looked towards them glancing over my shoulder to do so, they looked surprised to see me,they still trembling but this time more calm.
They lift themselves up patting off dust off their clothes without any dust coming off,do they know that they're a ghost?

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