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All of my life I've been sleep-walk living
Running around the same bars I've been in
It can be so lonely in this city
But it feels different when you're with me
All of my life, it's been heartbreak weather
Thinking to myself it won't get better


Blake let go of my hand as soon as we made our way through the crowd, the brisk air hitting us with no warning as we adapted from the humid bar scene. The streets were filled with more bodies as it was getting later into the night.

After taking a few seconds to breathe in the tobacco filled air, I turn to Blake to ask her where we should go before seeing she is already a few steps ahead of me, literally. She has started to walk down Fifth Avenue, towards the marina.

She had her arms crossed over her chest, the long sleeve she was wearing that obviously wasn't doing enough to keep her warm. I was left wearing a white short-sleeve after I took off of my bloody sweatshirt, and if it was not covered in blood and I still had it with me, I would've given it to her.

I think back to our conversation a little earlier. Maybe one day she'll get one of mine; definitely not one that has been worn during a job though, she is too pure for that.

I was not very cold though, I had my hands in my pockets and my hair was covering the bare parts of my neck. I was more refreshed than anything else, walking the streets at this time of night always had this effect on me, but this time I had company.

I was used to leaving the bar with women, I had some fun one-night-stands in my life, but I have never invited anybody on a midnight walk with me; or ever have been invited to one. One of the main reasons I liked walking places was because I can finally be alone with my thoughts, not so much to overthink about them, but to finally feel like myself again. I didn't feel abashed while walking with Blake, we were simply just walking alongside each other.

Los Angeles was far from the ocean, the only scent you can pick up on the streets would be weed and hot-dogs. San Diego had a vibe that called out to me, though. When Eli and I came here the summer after high school, we knew that this is where we had to settle and get out of L.A. It was rejuvenating, graceful yet intimidating; kind of like me, kind of like Blake.

Blake and I haven't exchanged words ever since we left the Tavern, we were both in our own worlds but we would look over once in a while to make sure we were nearby. I look over to her, longer than our usual glances and she immediately meets my gaze.

Her eyes had the same sparkle that I saw on our first night, but they looked even more luminous under the streetlights. The hues in the lights back at Gloria's messed with my perception of her but it did not change the fact that she is heavenly. The dark night gave her cheekbones a new sharp structure, her lips slowly crept into a smile and her hair was shining under the lamp posts.

"What?" She chuckled as I kept my gaze on her.

"Put your hair down, it'll make you feel warmer." As I started saying my sentence, I realized how creepy I sounded and I had to add an excuse, but I wasn't wrong. I started playing with my own curls, showing her how I'm warmer than her yet I am wearing less clothing.

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