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When the nights change, so do my nightmares too
I dream reality is my dream
All along, all along
I guess I'm meant to be alone


The night sky is so clear and crisp, I can visibly see all the stars that I know nothing about. My finger traces the 7 stars that make a shovel-looking constellation, and I move over to its little friend.

It's quite dark out. The only light coming in is from the stars, but I don't mind, I like when my sense of touch and smell are heightened. The grass blades under my broad body feel like cotton balls on my skin, even when I am fully clothed. My fingers are gripping the blades and ripping them off the land and when I go back to grab another fistful, they've grown back. The smell of the freshly cut grass fills my nostrils, a nice break from the metallic scent I have grown used to.

The weather is the San Diego weather I am accustomed to, yet I don't hear any waves crashing nearby so I must be far from the ocean. I don't know what time it is, and I simply don't care, the construct of time is a hoax anyway, especially in a reality like this one.

The wind started to pick up and I still didn't hear the usual waves overlapping, instead, I heard the loud howling of the wind. It became so intense so quickly that I shut my eyes and cupped my ears, hoping that they would stop watering over its dryness and my ears wouldn't feel like they're being attacked. The whistling was deafening and I was almost numb to the razor-sharp wind gusts splitting my clothes everywhere it could touch and disturb my tattooed skin.


In the midst of the hissing hurricane-like weather, I heard flapping; very light flapping, almost silent. I froze, my hands unclenched from the sides of my head and my eyes slowly softened but stayed closed. I knew that I was safe but I did not want to hear that sound ever again for the rest of my life.

As I heard the sound come closer and the flapping became multiplied by thousand, the wind completely stopped, as if there wasn't a strong gale passing by moments before. Instead, the air current turned into a softer breeze, a breeze caused by the flapping.

A breeze caused by the moths.

I stayed in my fetal position, hoping the insects would fly over me as if I am a simple boulder standing in their way. I wish I had more cloth to cover my body or at least the bits that the wind previously ripped. I wish I had my blanket.

I can feel the powder-like scales sprinkling on me from above. They've noticed I'm not a piece of rock, but I am actually their target. They were waiting for me to be at ease, to be at my most vulnerable. They know my deepest secrets, how I feel when in danger, and how I feel safe, and it all has to do with them.

Their scales start to fly away as their wings are now tickling my skin, making space for their little insect legs. 'Please. Please, no. I'm safe. Please let me be safe.' I quietly plead to their sensitive ears, feeling tears slipping down my numb cheeks.

I hear their buzzing in my eardrums, I want to swat them away but I know how they react to that, they end up coming back to you, so I decided to wait it out, however long it takes. I feel like this is a  flashback to the past, only without my blanket.

'I'm safe. I'm safe. I'm safe.' I try to calm myself down.

'I'm safe with you, I know I am.' They need to know how I feel towards them, it's the only way they'll understand. It's when they'll leave me alone, they need to hear me glorify them, they need to know they're the reason I am who I am.

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