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Covered in your water and I'm feelin' like a summer breeze

"I was hoping you would be this close to me one day, just not under these circumstances." His accent was deeper tonight like he wanted to correspond his gruff voice with his injuries. Even as I was focusing solely on his cheekbone, I can see the crinkles by his right eye appear as he smirked. His eyes were gently shut as he tried to act tough, but every time I touched the damp towel on his gash he would flinch.

I swung my leg off the position he put it in, which was on top of his own, and went to grab the first aid kit we got from the closest drugstore. He thought having me closer to him would get me a "better angle" on the laceration on his face, but we both knew the true reason.

"Whatever happened to you?"

He cleared his throat before answering, "I got punched on the job." He made it seem like he was actually embarrassed and me softly laughing at him didn't help.

When I turned back to him, his eyes were now open and staring dazedly at me, dimple on both cheeks without showing his teeth. "For someone who just got their shit rocked, you are too smiley over there, Dimples." He shook his head and looked at his feet.

He tried hiding the pink that was starting to creep up on his sharp cheeks, but with how close I was to him, there was no use. I grabbed a Band-Aid and the small tube of Neosporin and walked over to the ledge he was sitting on. Instead of going back to my seat on his left side, I went and stood in between his legs and lifted his head to look up at me.

"Don't move." I carefully spread the ointment on his cut and stuck the adhesive onto his wound. I can feel his intense stare burning into me. He somehow looked even better with the piece of cloth covering his fierce bone structure.

"All done." I lightly tapped the band-aid.

I looked down at him as he kept his hands on the edge of his knees, attentive to how close my legs were to his touch. As I hovered over him, I caught a glimpse of his toned and tattooed skin under his black button-down. Harry knew he was attractive, he wouldn't leave the top few buttons unbuttoned if he didn't think he looked hot.

And he wasn't wrong.

My eyes caught sight of some of the surprising ink he had, and I dragged my eyes back into his green ones. He took advantage of my gaze away from him because his eyes were starting to roam my upper chest and I stopped him before he could go any further, "Eyes up here." I pointed two of my fingers back to my face.

He stood up at my statement, quickly towering over me as his hands lightly touched my clothed legs, "I can say the same to you." He did a once-over at me and started to walk away, looking back at me to make sure I was trailing him.

My outfit wasn't anything extravagant. I decided to go bold and have a double-denim moment with a black tank top underneath. I also dodged a lecture from Harry by showing up with my hair already down, gaining me a smile from him. The feeling of my hair down was weird to get used to at first, but I started realizing how much warmer I actually was. And of course, how much prettier I looked. He was already changing me so much, and I didn't know if it was good or bad.

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