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I spray the last spritz of my cologne to my pulse point and contemplate if I should spray a little more onto my body. With the bottle in my hand mid-air, I decided against it. Blake texted me earlier today to have lunch with her and I wouldn't want to scare her away with the amount of cologne I have on.

I run my fingers through my damp hair, my curls still being quite distinct due to my shower earlier. I lift my chin up and unbutton the first few buttons of my shirt, allowing the moth tattoo that Blake and I share to peep through. I catch myself smiling a bit at the thought of her, quickly furrowing my eyebrows and not letting her get to me in that way.

"-and afterwards, she wants to go again." Jax's voice rumbles through my apartment. He has been ranting for the past 25 minutes as I was getting ready, and I genuinely think he has been saying the same thing over and over again. "Like, H, I'm all for going multiple rounds in a night, but your boy needs to sleep too!"

I step inside my kitchen and set down two glasses, turning to grab the bourbon off my liquor tray.

"Do you understand what I'm saying? Or have you stopped listening to me?" Jax seemed really stressed about whatever girl situation he was going through, and annoying as he is, I was actually deeply engaged in the one-sided conversation.

I poured the bourbon and slid one to him across the counter, "Yeah, I was listening. I can't really give you any advice, man. I've always had girls beg me to not go another round." I slyly smirk at him as I raise my glass to my mouth.

He scoffs with annoyance, hoping that I was a better person to get advice from. "Shut your mouth, you're useless." He chuckles. "But seriously, I genuinely would rather sleep with her after we're done rather than go another round. And it sounds stupid, I know, but sometimes I feel like she's just using me for sex, you know?"

I clear my throat and set my glass down, "I thought you were using her for sex?"

He hesitates before he answers, "I mean, I thought I was. But now, I realize I actually enjoy spending time with her." He struggles to meet my eyes, slight embarrassment washes over his face. "And... It feels so good to just simply sleep with her. No sex, nothing."

I stay silent, wanting him to be completely raw with me about his emotions. We always tend to have a hard exterior when it comes to talking seriously about our feelings, so having these moments of openness are really important to me.

"Well, tell her then." I check my watch before giving my attention back to him.

"Man, you really suck at giving advice." He finishes his drink and heads to the sink.

I follow behind, "I'm telling you, go to Eli for this type of shit. And plus, people can't give advice on shit that they have no knowledge or insight about." My feet start to slowly gravitate towards the door.

"Wait," Jax has his hand out in front of my chest, halting my movements. "What do you mean? You've never had a girl sleep with you afterwards? Or at all?" His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes are slightly wide.

I think back to all my nights with girls. With the exception of one night when I was with Corinne, I have never had a girl sleep with me after sex. "Nope." I pop the 'p' as I walk around his extended arm.

"Dude..." He scoffs, "You're missing out."

I shrug my shoulders as I reach out to grab my coat, but am interrupted by his voice again. "Where are you goin'?"

I huff, checking my watch again, "Out."

"On a date?" His voice seems a little too excited.

I pause before answering, "Yes."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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