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The Onyx.

The go-to spot for the elite of San Diego. The place is crawling with trust fund babies, old men with too much money, young girls taking advantage of the old men with too much money, trophy wives and trophy wives-to-be. Basically, if you have money then you are technically obligated to come to the Onyx once in your life.

Mason and I would sit at our usual old pub, talking about how ashamed we were of their lifestyle and hope to never make it to that point in life where we had to stick to one club simply based on our bank accounts.

Yet here I am, with Bella, at the front of the VIP line to get into the blue-lit building. As soon as we got out of the Uber, Bella made it to the front of the line with no need of direction from anyone, almost like she's been here before. Bella isn't exactly a part of the "elite" and she also doesn't come from a wealthy family, so this whole situation seems a little sketchy.

"Bel, what the hell are we doing here?" I ask her quietly as we wait for the group of frat boys to check in with the bouncer. It's not like I have never been curious as to what goes on inside this place for it to be considered strictly high-end people, I just don't understand how we are actually here right now.

Bella leans her head back into me before walking forward, "I know someone." She goes up to the bouncer and he routinely asks for her name.

"Wells." She proudly says causing the bouncer to raise his brows slightly. He nods towards my direction and gives me a once over before looking back to Bella. "She's with me."

He looks at me once more before reaching to unlock the velvet rope barrier. Bella grabs my wrist and tugs me towards the hallway past the entrance with a little pep in her step, a completely opposite mood from my furrowed eyebrows. "Wells? Bella, your last name is Oli-" My sentence is cut off by the booming music that flooded the soundproof hallway we were just in.

I closed my mouth and unfurrowed my eyebrows, staying in my spot as I took in the interior of the famous Onyx. Different shades of blue strobe lights were piercing through the fog filled air, the bass in the songs that were being mixed by the DJ two stories above us made the ground beneath us shake, the dance floor was surrounded by little platforms that held half naked men and women for entertainment. I don't know what I expected to see here, but my imagination did not do this place justice.

From what I can tell, the building was three stories high and the first floor stretched to my left and right like it never ended. The bar had shelves surrounding it that went high past anyone's reach, the bottles having a yellow glow under each of them like they were some well-earned trophy. I don't know why I thought the club was smaller my whole life, everyone knew it took up the whole block and yet I am completely astonished at its size.

When I finally took in all that my eyes could take in the dark space, I looked back to a smiling Bella. I opened my mouth but no words came out. "Yeah. I know." She looked towards the bar and then to her phone before back at me, screaming over the deafening music, "Let's get a drink!"

I ordered four tequila shots, two for the both of us for now. As we waited for the bartender to pour our shots, I took in the people surrounding me and I realized that was the only thing I got relatively right about this place; there were rich people everywhere.

After studying a man that had a suit on that was covered in 'LV' logos, just to prove to everyone he was rich, I turned back to Bella. She never told me exactly how we got in here or who, and I was really hoping she hadn't become a sugar baby to one of these nasty old men.

"B, who'd you say you knew that got us in here?" I asked her leaning over the counter so she could hear me. I was hoping that she thought that she told me the name already and I simply forgot.

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